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Stimulating ICT Learning for actiVE Eu eldeRs

Project SILVER aims to create a sustainable digital literacy life-long learning programmeto provide:1. elderly citizens with the competences and resources necessary to benefit fromICT2. school students and teachers with didactic experiences fostering the learningof skills critical for the 21st century (communication skills, social responsibility, intergenerationalunderstanding, etc.);3. local government policy-makers with a practical process and tool to tackleelders’ e-inclusion through a multi-stakeholder approach including schools, elderlypeople centres and other organisations working with the elderly.Methodologically, the project develops, customizes, translates, implements andevaluates a digital literacy didactical kit made up of handbooks, guides and evaluationtools at three levels:1. basic ICT skills,2. social networking3. e-government servicesPilot/testing programmes are implemented in 4 countries to validate and improve themethodological/didactical kit. In parallel, 3 in-depth case studies of the innovativemethodological and didactical aspects of the project are conducted in order to deepenthe codification of knowledge and strengthen the educational foundations of theprogramme.The project’s dissemination and exploitation activities make use of the multilingualdidactic kit and dissemination materials (website, brochure, video, newsletter, etc) andaim to enlarge the project’s stakeholder network. This process is reinforced by theorganization of 5 international meetings and the development of a knowledge-basedcommunity-building environment acting as an open innovation system to createcommunities of elders, students, teachers and other stakeholders using/improving themethodology and sharing knowledge. At least 1000 elders, 500 students/tutors and 50teachers and schools will be involved in the project’s digital literacy training courses. Amuch larger number will be reached through the dissemination activities.

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