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Stimularea motivației elevilor pentru învățare prin dezvoltarea personală și profesională a cadrelor didactice - ,,Să învățăm cum să-i motivăm!"
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The idea of the project was created from the needs identified at the institution level and from the policy followed by the institution and the concern of the decision factors about increasing the quality of the educational activity, improving school performance and decreasing the absenteeism rate. Another important issue was to improve school dropout rates on the one hand, and to increase the European dimension awareness, on the other hand. As a significant part of the students' number in the school have a poor social and economic background, their motivation for learning is very low. This difficulty may be significantly improved mostly within the school, by providing attractive and efficient learning activities involving the students, stimulating their creativity, their active participation, and communication. This aim can only be achieved by teachers who are able to use modern resources and appropriate teaching methods. In the past 10 years, the school has been involved in various European cooperation projects (6 Comenius projects and one Leonardo), a fact which shows the constant concern for increasing the European dimension and international awareness. Based on these needs, the project has the following aims: - To provide the opportunity for the school teachers to participate in training courses abroad, supported by recognized European organizations for the quality of their training activities, offered in the areas of modern, active and involving teaching methods of learning, teaching and assessment (including those using ICT) which can stimulate students' motivation and creativity in learning; - To prepare the participants in the mobility in terms of English communication skills, in using the computer (the minimum required level) and interculturally; -To support the participants in carrying out the mobility steps needed to participate in the training; - To provide all teachers in the school the access to modern educational resources made available by the participants at courses through drawn portfolios when returning from the training; - To reinforce the European dimension of the school by enlarging the range of activities with European character undertaken in the school through the contacts that the course participants will establish with the other participants from other European countries; - To enlarge the participants' cultural horizons and raise their awareness of belonging to a united Europe and the benefits derived from it; - long-term to increase students' school performance. In this project it is intended the participation of 10 mobility persons, as follows: four teachers for training in ICT and six in the modern methods of active and involving teaching and learning. The participants will be carefully and objectively selected so that their training needs coincide with the needs identified in the school, and belonging to different curricular areas. The project will carry out the following activities: - Dissemination of the course content and aims among school teachers; - Selection of participants - Contacting the providers of the courses and making the pre-registrations for the participants - Preparing the participants from the linguistic point of view, PC operating skills, and in cultural terms - Carrying out approaches regarding transport, accommodation, payment of the course - Attending the training course (were selected five training activities (two participants / activity) that will take place in five different countries and will be distributed during the year; - debriefing activities of the experience of participants within mobility - Disseminating the acquired knowledge during the courses - The achievement of the agreed educational resources that will be made available to all teachers by the course participants - Monitoring the activities of valuing the acquired knowledge / skills during the courses - Assessing the impact on the participants, on the school and the target group (the students) As a result of the project, it is expected that a large number of teachers (at least twice those attending the courses) will improve their classroom management skills by adopting effective strategies for teaching, learning and student-centered assessments, will be able to conduct electronic contents and integrate them into lessons and will improve their communication skills in English. The work of these professionals will be reflected in a decreased rate of absenteeism and dropout, an increase in the passing of the final exams, and the expansion of the European and international cooperation activities.
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