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Steps to PEACE with Art - Sanatla BARIŞA Adım Adım
Start date: Sep 15, 2015, End date: Mar 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Recently, especially for the last 3-4 years the news encountered first is the news of violence whenever you watch TV. These violence take place every part of the world without seperation of race, religion, nationality, country or language. On the basis it lies mostly in the reasons of not knowing each other well enough, limited and unclear communication, prejudice and low level of tolerance. These acts of violence at most affect young people and in different ways their developing personality negatively. The issues mentioned above can be converted in a positive way with the help of the educational activities based of friendship, tolerance and sympathy starting from childhood. One of these works for young people is to make national and international projects to bring them together with the aim of giving the opportunities of friendship, sharing, awareness of the differencies, tolerance, team work, appreciation and cooperation. Our project will bring young people together from different countries and give them the opportunities described above with the help of unifying aspect of art to reach the aim of more peaceful World. That is why the partners who are active in the field of Youth work bring their strength together for young people. The Project is based on creative art and music workshops also supported with social-cultural activities at the neighbourhood of hosting partner. The core of all the activities is based on team working and cooperation. The project is developed and promoted by and with young people for 45 young people coming from four different countries will get the importance of solidarity and cooperation. They will also taste of friendship, sharing, awareness of the differencies, tolerance, team work and appreciation. All these features will be their guide to reach a more peaceful world. There will be steps for taking away the prejudice. All these features will be their guide to reach a more peaceful world. There will be also opportunities to get the importance of learning and improving foreign languages. The Project will be a constructive step for the participating organisations. They will share their experience both personal and institutional level. They will increase their familiarness at international level. Similar development will be acquired on metodology and institutional capacity of the participating organisations. The project is also the beginning of probable projects in future. The project will be realized in Ankara with 10 young people aged 14-22 from Romania and 2 leaders, 10 young people from Spain and 2 leaders, 10 young people from Latvia and 2 leaders, 15 young people and 4 leaders from hosting country, Turkey.
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3 Partners Participants