European Projects
Steps for sustainability
Steps for sustainability
Start date: Aug 1, 2014,
End date: Nov 30, 2014
International coexistence for a better sustainable development: "Steps for sustainability". The young protagonists of change. Will live a total of 35 young people, the most impoverished social environments (8 participants + 2 monitors per each country: Germany, Lithuania and Spain, a part of 5 monitors of the hosting Organization who are specialists in different workshops and working groups).
The duration of the Exchange will be approximately 13 days (from the 4th to the 18th of August 2014, days of travel of return not included).
We will organize ourselves in three working groups led by specialized instructors who will involve the participants to carry out directly the activities of socio-cultural dynamization (animation group) through which we will develop intercultural and relationship activities suitable for the cohesion of the group, gymkhanas and planned excursions.
The second group is the Group of reporters that will make out audiovisual reports and all the audiovisual component of the future exhibition "steps for sustainability". They will update the blog, edited reports of the activities and will edite and also disseminate the results of the project, dealing directly with the media.
The third group will develop examples of sustainability workshops and develop the physical material for the traveling exhibition: this group will create homemade solar ovens from materials of easy acquisition, will create solar water heaters in a classroom workshop of the local administration enabled to this effect. Also reuse wooden pallets leftover from the industrial area in ordeer to return them into nests for birds that we will put in the bed of the River Turia to encourage the repopulation of the bird life in the area and give a new life to such waste.
We'll discuss through workshops in astronomy, how this science can be put at the service of the environment; We will discuss how astronomical associations of from different parts of the world collaborating to make drawings of luminous pollution in different cities in different countries and how to cooperate to address problems in a comprehensive manner from local performances.
The material the project aims, aside to let us a unique experience and a background about interculturalism, European dimension lies in the creation of a traveling exhibition for schools in Quart de Poblet (which may be used in more locations) on the example of the commitment of our young people by the rational use of energy and resources. Such exposure will be settled from the perspective of being the result of an example of citizen engagement led by young people to the rest of society. This exhibition will not only be physical through nests of wood, heaters, ovens,... but it will be also virtual giving a special importance of your presence on the internet through the usual channels of dissemination of information both among young people as adults such as the creation of a channel of youtube, facebook and twitter and blog groupthat they collected the contents of the virtual part of the exhibition. This virtual exhibition will pick up the example of the coexistence and the development of the activities of our participating young actors in the form of short stories in English from basic level, including subtitles for those participants that show problems with the use of this language.
This virtual part of the exhibition we consider key as we think it is the most realistic way of dissemination of the project between youth and today and the society in general. So we hope that experience is not only in the immediate surroundings of the participants and associations involved in the project, but that serve to show not only the young but also to society, that everyone can take steps towards sustainability with specific, simple examples and have fun at the same time. The wide diffusion in the different channels of the results of the work carried out by the Group of the same Exchange of reporters along with our will be important for the achievement of the primary objective to be displayed and check that young people are necessary in the social changes.