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Step Out Ahead III/International faglig og personlig kompetenceudvikling for produktionsskoledeltagere
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is one in a historical line of exchanges between Korsor ProduktionsHøjskole and North West Regional College in Derry, Northern Ireland. Both institutions are dealing with education/preparation for education in individual courses on a practical basis (for Korsor ProduktionsHøjskole it is the primary activity, for the NWRC it is done in a special branch of the larger organization). This project involves exchanges of 24 production school participants in 3 weeks school/practice stays in Derry , Northern Ireland. The participants are assigned to individual internship or training and will stay one by one in local host families. But they will meet regularly in the group and have that support during the stay. The participants will thereby be gaining knowledge and experience of working abroad , get a broader perspective on their professional skills and at the same time strengthen their language skills . They will also be challenged in relation to personal limits so they after a course will strengthened in their struggle for further education and in life as such. Experience from similar projects has proved that the method is effective.

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