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STEM: Sterk Team geïnspireerd door Europese good-practices en Mogelijkheden
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

STEM is a hot topic in Europe and in Flanders. Our school developed a STEM-policy and a STEM-curriculum and takes part in a research program STEM@school, but we feel that the sky is the limit. We are only at the verge of it. We are looking for more inspiration, more know-how about pedagogy, methodology, curriculum-implementation for12 to 18 year-olds and for evaluation. THis would reenforce our project. Our STEM-teachers, who teach maths and fysics, want to show youngsters that engineering changes society and that they need maths and fysics to do so. A mixture of job-shadowing, congresses offer both specific answers to our questions and a more general view on the subject including good practices. This complete mixture with input of different European countries will make our STEM-project stronger. Our participation in STEM@school and the help of the educational services of GO! will ensure a wide dissemination of our new-found knowledge.
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