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Staże zawodowe w Lizbonie dla uczniów kieleckiego Elektryka
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project of learning mobility entitled: ‘Vocational training for the students of ZSE in Kielce’ has been created thanks to the cooperation and commitment of the teachers from ZSE in Kielce. The project is going to last 24 months and is divided into 2 parts, 12 months each. 72 students are going to take part in the project. They are divided into 4 groups, each of them consisting of 18 students. Two groups of students (one group of students learning IT and the second group of those learning electronics) are supposed to participate in every part of the project. Along with the students the teachers (2 per each group) are also going to take part and supervise the project.The aim of the project is mainly to make the educational offer of our school more attractive, as well as interpersonal, professional and linguistic development of our students, with a special emphasize on technical English. Moreover, the students will get to know the culture and tradition of Portugal, its labour market and cultural assets. A ten-hour Portuguese course is an additional advantage. The students in the second and the third year in our school (IT and electronics profiles) can announce their candidacy at the project. The students of our school, who mainly inhabit the villages, are not fully aware of the requirements of today’s labour market so they often ignore the need of education, which in consequence leads to the long-lasting unemployment. As it is stated in the curriculum, the students of the third year must complete their vocational training, which lasts 4 weeks. In order to do it, our school sends them to the suitable companies in Kielce and in the vicinity. However, as we want our students to improve their skills and boost the prestige of our school we would really like to make it possible for our students to complete their vocational training in Lisbon.The students taking part in the project are going to learn technical English during special classes prepared especially for them. The classes will also cover psychological and pedagogical issues. After arriving in Lisbon the course is supposed go according to the partners’ predetermined plan. The beneficiaries are going to be assessed by the designated employees of the company in Lisbon, as well as, the teachers from Poland.We are going to organize a two-days visit of our Head teacher-Aleksandra Szulc aiming to monitor and control the training. The training in Lisbon will be recognized as an obligatory, four-week vocational training, on the basis of the submitted training register. The students will obtain special certificates confirming the acquired skills e.g. Europass-Mobility.The students of our school will be motivated by the possibility of going to Lisbon as they need to obtain good marks in order to be qualified to the project. What is more, the project will also improve professional competence of the teachers taking part. They will broaden they knowledge connected with the introduction of the new solutions concerning the organization of foreign vocational training which will result in the development of our school in the future. The results of the exam and specially prepared reports will show the effects of the project.After completing each part of the project, our school is going to promote learning mobility. In order to do it, we are going to create a multimedia presentation and a photojournalism, appear in our local TV, speak in Radio Kielce and show our presentation during Targi Edukacyjne in Kielce. By organizing foreign vocational training we long to develop our cooperation with international companies, expand the educational offer of our school making it more attractive for the future students and demonstrate that we are the school which is open to the new solutions as well as willing to promote good practice.
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