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Staże zawodowe uczniów w europejskich przedsiębiorstwach
Start date: Dec 15, 2014, End date: Dec 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Students who learn in The Basic Vocational School in different professions: a cook, a confectioner, a hairdresser, an automotive mechanic and a builder (the technologist of finishing works in building) will be the participants of a project: "Staże zawodowe uczniów w europejskich przedsiębiorstwach" . These students have to study in three-year education cycle. Vocational foreign training is an integral part of our students' education and it helps them to enter to the labour market. In a framework of a project four groups (each group number 16 people) will take part in vocational foreign training – in Germany ( two groups in different time periods), in Spain and in Portugal. The main aim of a project is to improve vocational education and indicate to our students advantages and needs of lifelong education. They have to understand that even professions that didn't require high qualification in the past now require qualified and skilled workers. Vocational foreign training enables students to work and cooperate in an international group of people and workers. It is a great opportunity to connect the theoretical knowledge acquired in a school with a vocational training. Students will have an opportunity to develop the most important competencies that are required in their professions. Students will have to learn how to overcome difficulties that are results of language barriers, new surrounding, environment especially in workplaces. They will have an opportunity to acquire new, needed skills and characteristic features such as: mobility, creativity and enterprise. Participation in a project makes our students more aware of lifelong education especially in the age of progress. Participants of a project receive Europass Mobility certificates and certificates prepared by a receiving or a host organisation and employers. To achieve the aims of organised mobility we are going to implement the elements of ECVET system. Memorandum of Understanding was signed with each partner. There were determined the principles of cooperation, unit's effects of learning for mobility and evaluation effects. In cooperation with each Partner an Individual list of a student's achievements will be worked out. In free time students will have an opportunity to know customs, culture and history of a Partner's country. During their stay students will take part in organised meeting in order to exchange their experiences and in order to integrate with community. Vocational foreign training allows students to feel more confident, it shows them new possibilities and opportunities and it gives them the chance to overcome stereotypes of thinking about lack of work prospects. The school will benefit from the project, too, e.g.: improvement of education quality, increase competitiveness in an educational market, wider offer of vocational trainings, developing cooperation between Polish and foreign employers, improvement of results of enrolment, gaining prestige and ensuring students successful working start. Our German Partner BBZ Prignitz GmbH organises vocational training for students who are educated in a confectioner, a hairdresser, an automotive mechanic and buildier (the technologist of finishing works) professions. Our Portuguese Partner Associacao de Mobilidade Intercultural Euromob organises vocational training for students who are educated in a cook, an automotive mechanic professions. Our Spanish Partner Europroyectos leonardo da Vinci organises vocational training for students who are educated in an automotive mechanic and a technologist of finishing works in building and assembly worker professions. Students prepare a multimedia presentation about their stay in Germany, Spain and Portugal. The presentations will be disseminated at school during training summing up meeting, other different kinds of school meeting and during participation of our school in the educational market. All institution have great experience in vocational training organisation. They enable students and teachers to gain vocational and professional experience through organising special programmes. They give an opportunity to know culture, customs and tradition of their countries. The two-weeks vocational trainings terms: I group: September 2014 – Germany II group: May 2015 – Portugal III group: October 2015 – Spain IV group: May 2016 – Germany. Each group will consist of 16 students and two teachers from our school.
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3 Partners Participants