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Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main aim of the project “International trainings – the opportunity for employment” within the frameworks of Erasmus+ programme is the opportunity for 48 students to undergo a three week training abroad. Students will be sent in three groups of 16 students and they will receive both professional and linguistic training. The implementation of the project will last for 2 years from July 2014 to June 2016. The target group are second and third year students in professions of: landscape architecture technician – group of landscape architects, economics and trade technicians – group of economists, food and catering services technician, cook and waiter – group of food technicians. The opportunity to spend three intensive weeks in foreign companies dealing with garden design (group of landscape architects), accounting offices and shops (group of economists), restaurants and hotels (group of food technicians) will be a perfect addition to students’ practical education. It will also result in increasing their mobility, self-esteem and competitiveness in the national and European labour market. The primary objective of the project is practical broadening of theoretical knowledge that students acquire at school. What is more, students will be expected to enhance their business English skills and to develop new skills and competences in the fields of economics, trade, gastronomy and landscape architecture. Due to the participation in the project students will be able to improve their interpersonal skills essential when making decisions, cooperating in a team and bearing responsibility. Students will be sent for 3 weeks to two British cities – Stafford (architecture and gastronomy groups) and London (economics group). They will be provided with linguistic, pedagogical and cultural preparation prior to their training abroad. In England students will visit London and its most interesting sights (The Tower of London, The Buckingham Palace, Covent Garden, London Stock Exchange) and less popular but equally exciting part of Britain – Wales. Students will be provided with some pocket money. Moreover, students will be able to explore British culture and traditions as well as meet new people in their free time during the weekdays as there will be many attractions organized by the project’s partner. Therefore participants will improve and develop their English skills not only at work but also on a daily basis. The acquisition of new qualifications and professional skills will be confirmed by the Europass Mobility certificate. When they come back students will conduct some workshops in order to share their experience with other students from school. The participation in the project will increase their motivation and their vocational education will become more efficient. Moreover, students’ mobility in national and European market will enhance due to higher level of their practical knowledge and skills. Students will be also equipped with interpersonal skills, thus they will become more self-confident and fully aware of their future career path. Thanks to the project participants will increase the sense of responsibility for assigned tasks, punctuality and reliability. What is more, they will acquire the team work skills while working with colleagues from different cultures and using English. They may also increase their self-presentation skills which can result in the decision of setting up their own enterprise in economy, trade, gastronomy or landscape architecture in Polish or foreign market. Participants of the training will set an example for young people from school and local society. They will share their experience and the outcomes of the project throughout the school entrepreneurship club and other interests clubs. Their behavior, experience and competences should encourage their peers to appreciate the significance of learning and regular attendance to school for their later professional career.

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