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Staże zagraniczne szansą na rozwój kompetencji w branży samochodowej.
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Zespół Szkół nr 5 in Szczecinek in cooperation with foreign partners drafted a mobility exchange project entitled "Internships abroad an opportunity to develop competencies in the automotive industry" ("car mechanic"), addressed to the 30-student class technical vehicles. The aim of our project is to allow its participants to acquire new and strengthen existing skills of the participants in the operation and repair of motor vehicles, assess its condition, determining the causes of failures, repairs and how to control the quality of the repair and maintenance. The project will also contribute to the growth of autonomy and mobility of students, the ability to work and communicate in a team, improve foreign language skills and cultural awareness. They will also learn about the expectations of foreign employers required qualifications in the EU market, the organization of work in the automotive services, equipment standards in diagnostic equipment, service employees' skills. International internships will be organized in authorized sales and repair services of cars most famous brands in Poland: Mercedes, Opel, Volkswagen, Peugeot, Skoda, Ford, Fiat and specialist companies, for example. ADAC. During the project, the participants will gain additional skills in the use of a forklift, attested UDT, after passing the final test at the end of the project outside. Main idea and goals of our project arise from the needs of the industry in the region, which expects from the graduates of the vocational automotive schools additional skills (eg. Forklift operator, welder MAG 135) as well as ability to lead professional skills of communication with the local and foreign customers. The project will help the applicant to increase its capacity for actions implemented at the EU level, raise the qualifications of vocational training teachers in the organization and improve the conduct of training, develop equipment standards in school garages, implementing similar training for different groups of participants in the future and to extend international cooperation that would result in further cooperation projects and influence the development of our school in the future. The project will run for two years in the Zespół Szkół nr 5 in Szczecinek and partner organizations in Germany, Italy and the Czech Republic.
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5 Partners Participants