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Staże zagraniczne dla technika hotelarza
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

An IVT Mobility Project - „Foreign Vocational Training for Hotel Management students” is a project for the students of School Cluster No1 in Koszalin, which will be carried out within the Programme Erasmus+, Education and Training Funding, Key Action 1. Mobility for VET Learners and Staff in school year 2016/17.In the framework of the project, a group of 16 students (profile – hotel industry, class II and III) will hold internships in the hotels in Italy, instead of the usual training that takes place in the hotels of West Pomeranian voivodship. The main aims of the project are:- gaining experience in the job of a hotelier on the European Labour Market by the participants- improving vocational qualifications in the profile of hotel business- improving their language and ICT competencies- learning about employers' requirements and specific character of European labour market- promoting European student mobility on the European Labour Market- developing cultural awareness, openness and adaptation skills to new conditions of life and work in European Union.To take part in the project the participants have to:- be the students of School Cluster No 1 in Koszalin- be 17 and over - attend class II or III, profile – technician in hotel industry- have the basic knowledge of English- have knowledge and skills in hotel business- behave well at school an outside- can justify their will to do internship abroadAll appointed students will undergo a process of recruitment, which will be ended with an announcement of the main list of 16 participants of the project and a standby list of 10 students.The project will be carried out from 28.05- 24.06.2017. In the framework of the project the following actions will be taken:- dissemination of the project- preparation of the Regulations of Recruitment and Participation in the project- conducting the recruitment process and announcing the main and standby lists of the participants of the project- language-culture-pedagogical course for the participants- meetings and briefings for the project participants and their parents- signing the Internship Contracts with the participants of the project- registration of the participants in the Europass Mobility Documents Centre- internships in Italy- cultural programme in Italy- delivery of documents Europass Mobility, Internship completion certificates, writing Europass CV- preparation and dissemination of internships’ results- project evaluation- preparation and completing the project final report The expected results of the project participation will be:- finishing the internships by 16 participants- getting certificates – Europass Mobility, Europass CV, Internship completion certificatesApart from that, the participants are expected to:- broaden the essential knowledge of hotel industry on a foreign market- develop practical skills in the area of the hotel business- increase their motivation, self-assessment and belief in obtaining career success- define career aptitude and increasing creativity and entrepreneurship - increase their assertiveness and be able to cope with difficult situations Thanks to the participation in the internships, the students will be better prepared to fulfill the requirements and needs of a developing hotel business in our region and will be able to provide high quality service. Learning the Italian hotel business, experience gained during the professional training and new work contacts will influence the development of this sector in our voivodship. Experience and skills obtained thanks to the project participation will add a new value in the future career of our students. The participation in the project will provide new possibilities of using English, both general and vocational for the participants. Another valuable experience is learning less popular European language, such as Italian. The students will learn it in the cultural context, among native speakers of Italian and will have opportunities to use it in everyday life and at work during their training. This will enable them to start new contacts and relations in another environment, as well as, help them to overcome language and cultural barriers. Thanks to the participation in this innovative form of internships our students will be better prepared to serve a foreign customer in hotels in Poland and abroad.
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