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Stáž žiakov gastronomických odborov Strednej odbornej školy obchodu a služieb v Rimavskej Sobote v partnerskej škole v Egri
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Main stimulus for the project realization is a long lasting cooperation with our partner school as well as an excellent feedback from the implementation of the final project for the mobility of students. Another reason why we want to carry out this project is to allow the students from less stimulating social backgrounds, whose financial situation does not afford to travel to other countries. Besides acquiring new professional skills, students will also have the opportunity to know and visit some other country.The project implementation will contribute to students’ personal development, increase their self-confidence, motivation and will wider their horizons. Main objective of this project is to provide professional education in our partner school to those students whose financial situation is very bad. Our project partner has an extensive experience in training, provides catering services at a high level and owns advanced facilities and computer equipment.The Main idea of the project is students‘ internship from the Secondary Vocational School of business and services in Rimavska Sobota, in the partner‘s school (Egri SZC Kereskedelmi, Mezőgazdasági és Vendéglátóipari Szakközépiskolája, Szakiskolája és kollégiuma) located in Eger, in the neighbouring Hungary. The students will have the opportunity to enrich their knowledge and skills in a form of professional practice in modern equipped premises of the partner school and also in various selected catering – accomodation premises in a town Eger. There will be 16 students and two accompanying persons involved in the project.Main activity will last for 14 days. During that time, students will take part in the extensive programme aimed at increasing their professional knowledge and skills in the fields of cook, waiter/waitress. Objectives that we plan to achieve by the project implementation are:- Improve students‘ foreign language competencies – mostly English language knowledge ( despite the fact that the students do not travel directly to the country where English is the official language, they will actively get in touch with English language usage as the partner school in Eger is located in an area with a developed tourism with international importance),- Increase the vocational training of students by acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities,- Reduce existing prejudices in the marginalized Roma community that exist across the whole Europe,- Enable students from socially disadvantaged environment to get t o know neighbouring countries in order to enlarge their knowledge and experience.- Adopt a team & mutual cooperation “spirit” at the transnational level,- Strengthen the interest in further education and to increase motivation,- Teach students (future employers, hotel operators & owners etc.) how to communicate properly with customers, know how to appreciate & maintain them etc. as the level of service and customer-behavior in Slovakia is still insufficient,- Deepen cooperation with our long-term partner /hosting organization/,- Improve the quality of European countries cooperation in the fields of gastronomy and catering services- Multicultural dimension support (tolerance of other cultures, nations etc.),- Lead participants to their independence and efficient time management,-Increase personal development & social inclusion of individuals coming from disadvantaged backgrounds- Provision of better establishing on an open European labour market-Increase teachers‘ educational level of teachers, improve their competencies, skills and vocational trainingMonitoring of students’ participation in the project activities will be carried out by these proven methods: individual interviews, questionnaires, evening discussions aimed at summarizing daily output and knowledge. We will also monitor the level of students’ involvement during the project implementation, verification of newly acquired knowledge and their practical skills in the various operations of the host country.Participants will acquire new knowledge in the industry through visits of modern facilities.They will become familiar with the latest trends and innovations in the catering and restaurant services. Their social and communication skills will be sustained. They will also recognize the elements of national and international cuisine.The participants will get the opportunity to experience how to take care of demanding clients and improve their language skills (communication). By Peer principle they will discuss at the joint discussion about the possibilities and forms of international cooperation.Their attitude and behavior towards customers will improve.They will also acquire the ability to facilitate their entry into the labor market within the European area.
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