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„Staż zawodowy w Norwegii kluczem do mobilności i sukcesu zawodowego technika weterynarii”
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project called “Foreign internship in Norway key to mobility and professional success of veterinary students” is to send 16 students from Veterinary Vocational Secondary School for 4-week internship in Norwegian school Senja Videregående Skole. It is planned that the project will last in the school year 2016/2017, the departure is planned in spring 2017. The partner school has got long-lasting experience in the field of vocational education, it also is believed by the local educational institutions to be a prestigious one. It is extremely well developed as far as technology is concerned and the education there is mainly concentrated on practical skills. The teachers employed in the school are highly qualified professionals with many years of experience. The school is equipped with vastly specialised base for practical teaching.Among actions preparing students to start the internships there are language classes, culture classes, entrepreneurship classes with career advising and social skills training. The participants of the project are highly interested in veterinary. They mainly come from rural areas with high unemployment rate and from families with low social status.The aim of this project is to develop as well as gain new professional and linguistic skills and competences, arouse entrepreneurship skills, encourage to take innovative actions and decisions concerning starting and running own business activity. It also is to be a stimulus to constant personal development, whole life learning and to being a part of European society. Own business activity may be an alternative for the students mainly due the high unemployment rate in their place of leaving i.e. in Podkarpacie province, Jaroslaw county.Internship as well as all preparatory actions contribute to open active and creative functioning of students in European society. Their chances to finish school and pass the school-leaving exams in their professional field will be increased. The gained school leaving diploma, extra certificates and gained practical skills will also have the influence on the competitiveness of the students in the European labour market. The expected results will also contribute to fulfil the school needs. Due to cooperation with prestigious foreign institution the school will increase its status on the educational market, will adapt its educational vocational system to the needs of labour market. Foreign cooperation, carried out project will allow the teachers to gain experience which will be used in the future to create new projects. The project on local and regional ground will contribute to lowering the unemployment rate among graduates and as a result in Jaroslaw county.

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