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Stáž žáků v procesu počátečního vzdělávání v oboru automobilní techniky v zemích EU
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project of educational stays of students aims in improving and intensifying already proceeding partnerships between cooperating schools in Austria, France, Slovakia, Poland, Finland and our school. The students get knowledge about the newest ways of modern motor vehicle diagnostics, they also get practical experiences how to use modern diagnostic techniques and they get in touch with the newest constructions of cars, they will have the opportunity to work on different types of vehicles, they can experience work and fixing, which are hard to arrange for school needs. The partnership between schools has already had a long-term tradition, in the course of it the headmasters of schools, teachers and students have frequently come into contact. The term of educational stays is preliminary settled for 3 – 4 weeks, the stay in Austria is settled for 10 weeks for two students. This period is optimal for this kind of stays. The participation of seven or eight students is presupposed in every term, there are going to be prepared 3 students to Finland, 2 students to Austria. Pedagogical accompaniment will be perforemed by one teacher, In Austria the students will be on their own and there will be 2 pedagogical accompaniments in France, one with the knowledge of French. The students will take part not only in the process of education of technical subject, but they will also participate in educational stays in the entrepreneurial subjects of given countries. The students will get acquainted with the technological equipments used in schools or entrepreneurial subjects. The students will use and compare the school methods, instructional and teaching devices and their application in concrete practical area. The preparation of students for the participation in special short term attachment is not only in the field of language, but also geographical and cultural. English, German and French languages are taught at our school. The language preparation is held in extra lessons apart from the language study at school. The students are continuously prepared for the selection from greater amount of students for their participation in foreign educational stay. From the beginning of their studies at our school they have been acquainted with the criteria of selection of students for educational stays. The accepting school will organise the professional practise in car services, which will deffinately bring higher knowledge for all the participants of the stay including pedagogical supervision. These stays will ensure language improvement and thanks to that also quicker independence, getting used to different style of life and integration into the environment. Schools which will accept our students guarantee very high level of education. The school GARAC in Paris, provides the complex school teaching of automotive professions and also belongs among the most prestigious institutions of this kind in France. The school builds up on the quality and strong cooperation with the companies, which accept the students for the educational stays. The standard of these educational stays is very high, because the employee of the company who is appointed as the head of the stay and the technical teacher are in an active cooperation during the whole stay and they perform the evaluation of the student at the end of the educational stay. Among the schools with high standard also belongs the school in Austrian Eggenburg, where will be two students for ten - weeks stay. As our country has become the member of European Union and the result of this act is the deregulation of labour market it is necessary to prepare the students not only in the theoretical level but also give them the opportunity to familiarize with the environment of the given country. The students acquaint with the work system in advanced countries of EU and they also improve their knowledge of foreign language.

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