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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Objective of the Project submitted is training and enabling completion of foreign practice for the group of students from Zespół Szkół in Chocianów in order to increase their chances to get a job after graduation; also it is going to be a successful Professional start. Special emphasis will be put to getting some experience in two branches, i.e. mechatronics and tourist services. Students representing Technical High School of Mechatronics and Technical High School of Tourist Services will take part within Erasmus+ Program. The said training will be completed in the countries where foreign partners guarantee interesting jobs in a given branch. The group of mechatronics students will have this internship in Valencia, in companies dealing with mechanical machinig of metal , mainly Industrias Gorriz and Industa , as well as in workshops and garages: Autolix Paterna, Spamovil, Autos Montalt Delegacion Ford , in the scope of widely understood mechatronics. The young people have already acquired some skills but what they do need is some experience at work with metal cutting machines and devices as well at work connected with troubleshooting and standard repair jobs of various vehicles . Participation in this internship shall allow them to enrich their knowledge and professional skills in the range of preparation and servicing of machines and devices, product quality control, choosing technological parameters , performing repairs and troubleshooting using modern technology, mainly in automotive industry. Students will have an opportunity to confront their knowledge and skills in various areas, i.e. technology and mechanical constructions, automatics , mechatronics and knowledge of typical mechanical, electrical and electronic systems. Moreover, they shall obtain professional experience and get to know modern methods of assembly and machining of metal items, faults diagnosing and debugging , among others in various mechatronics subassemblies installed in modern cars. On the other hand, the group of tourist services students will complete internship in Sevilla, Spain, mainly EME Catedral Hotel, Los Seises by Fontecruz Hotel, Zenit Sevilla. There, they shall get professional experience at reception desk, accommodation, restaurant, kitchen and food preparation, dish washing, as well as organizing conferences. The experience acquired is especially important after graduation from school and perspective successful taking External Professional Examinations as well as while looking for a job. In addition, such extensive professional experience is a warranty of getting a job in many modern industrial plants and in tourist services businesses. On completion of this internship the students will be given individual Certificates and Europass-Mobility document confirming professional skills acquired. This is going to be a very important document for future graduates of Zespół Szkół in Chocianów looking for a job. On the other hand, practical experience acquired shall allow for correlation of skills learned at school with needs and requirements of modern labor market. In effect, students will get a chance for a successful professional start.

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