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"Staż zagraniczny kluczem do zawodowej kariery"
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“Apprenticeship abroad as the key to a professional career” is a project aimed at giving the participants an opportunity to achieve success in their professional development and raising the level of teaching in our school. Taking part in the apprenticeship provides a chance to acquire knowledge, skills and professional qualifications, enhance the perspectives for better employment in both domestic and European job markets, and to boost the personal development of the students and the teachers. A crucial aim is to increase the intercultural awareness and understanding of different cultures and countries by the project participants and to strengthen the feeling of citizenship and European identity.The direct participants are a group of 52 students from profiles: ICT, electronics, geodesy and technology of renewable energy sources who will take part in the project as a part of their compulsory professional practice, 8 teachers whose role will be to supervise the trainees and 6 vocational teachers, who will undergo specialist professional training. The indirect participants are the whole school and the local community.20 ICT students will go for two-week training in Great Britain. The apprenticeship will take place in Plymouth in the centre of the vocational education Tellus Group. The students will do tasks connected with designing and creating local computer networks as well as managing the data communication networks.16 students from the geodesy profile will do a two-week apprenticeship in Spain. The host organisation will be EuroMind. The students will carry out their practice under the supervision of a surveyor from the company Iniciativas el Condado. As part of the apprenticeship the students will perform measurements in the field and then they will do the calculations in AutoCAD programme. The students will learn the specifics of work in a geodesic company as well as in the technical office of the town council. 16 students from the profiles electronics and technology of renewable energy sources, will complete a one-month apprenticeship in Portugal in companies dealing with the monitoring and servicing of systems and devices of electronics and renewable energy.The recruitment will be based on clear rules. The students will be provided with international transport, insurance, accommodation, board and full mentoring from both the teachers of ZSEiO, who will be looking after the students during the apprenticeship and from the employers of the host organisations.Before leaving the young apprentices will get organisational support, which will make their stay abroad easier. They will boost their vocabulary and expressions in English needed for work and everyday communication. They will also get basic information about the culture, traditions, customs and the economy of the country they are going to. They will be familiarised with the rules of the apprenticeship, the programme and regulations of their training, rights and obligations, safety rules during their journey and stay as well as cultural differences. English will be the basic language of communication. The students going to Portugal will take part in a Portuguese course, which will help them communicate in Spain.The apprenticeship will allow the opportunity to compare the European industry solutions with the ones used in Poland and to verify the theoretical knowledge in a practical aspect. While taking part in the project, the students will develop their language competence, improve their communication skills and specific vocabulary. Staying with families and in hostels, often with people from other countries, the students will learn the understanding of different cultures, openness and tolerance.Each participant will receive the Europass Mobility document, which describes the vocational and additional benefits the student acquired and a Certificate of completion.Our school can see the need for educating its staff, therefore 6 teachers will go to Spain for specialist professional training. It will be organised by euroMind, a company with huge experience in professional training that cooperates with numerous vocational schools. The teachers will familiarise themselves with the educational system in Spain, especially with its vocational part, they will get to know the ECVET system tools, and visit vocational training facilities.Teachers will exchange their experience with their Spanish counterparts about the curriculums they use, teaching materials, e-tools, Moodle platform, the organisation of the apprenticeship and the employment opportunities for the school graduates in local and European job markets. This will be a chance to enhance the teachers’ professional competences and improve their ability to use the English language in practice. The whole local community will benefit from the project.It will open the door for a professional career for the participants and it will contribute to better and more effective teaching in our school.

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