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Stáž mladých zdravotníkov ako súčasť prípravy na výkon profesie
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Mobility project „Young medical work placement as part of training for the profession” is going to be implemented by young people in their initial professional preparation - the students of the 3rd year of study of the study program medical assistant and masseur with the Slovak study language, of the Secondary Medical School in Nové Zámky, with the planned number of selected participants of 15 - of whom the consequent part of the work placement will also be a monthly professional training in health service institutions in Slovakia (June 2015). Within the training students implement theoretical and practical knowledge acquired in professional subjects: basics of nursing and assistance, massage techniques, health and clinics of illnesses, administration and medical documentation, and photo-hydro-thermo-balneotherapy, where they can utilize, compare, and apply own knowledge and experience from the internship in abroad. The project enables the participants to take part in current trends of multinational professional and technical education and young people preparation, bilateral cooperation, merge of education and the work of business. The aim of the project is to foster the European Dimension, qualitatively improve professional and language skills and capabilities by the exchange of experience. With the help of the project to continuously develop the abilities of students to work in specifically diversified environment of professional preparation and thus develop their professional and language competences. The foreign training should lead the students to the acquaintance of the system of health and social care in the partner country, lead them to independence, healthy confidence, skills and competences development, culture exploring, and help them with the integration into the business market also in the countries in the European Union. The students will work with bilingual working sheets, where they will document their insights, experience, results, problems, solutions and recommendations from their work placement, having a special independent space for self-evaluation and feedback sections. The foreign work placement will be held under the auspice of ADC College organization in London. It will be implemented as a two week work placement in health, social and rehab institutions within the scope of study program for 3rd year students of the mentioned courses of study, in the partner country. The participants will thus have the opportunity to interlink theoretical and practical knowledge and skills applied in real working environment in abroad, and also the possibility to compare the differences in health documentation, in professional terminology and work organization in mother country and host country. The result of the work placement program will be utilized for innovation of school curricula and school educational program. Expected result is represented by value added in the capability to work in foreign environment independently, in the ability to communicate in foreign language and in capability to utilize the observation and experience to innovate own work at difference comparison of health education. The long-term benefit of the project in educational, regional and European context lies in: professional and language preparation, qualification improvement, skills and knowledge fostering, attractiveness of school for the public, in the innovation of professional education, international cooperation among organizations, and multicultural reinforcement.

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