European Projects
Statybos sektoriaus kvalifikacijų ir jų kompetenci..
Statybos sektoriaus kvalifikacijų ir jų kompetencijų atitikimas darbo rinkos reikmėms
Start date: Jul 1, 2014,
End date: Jul 1, 2016
Currently VšĮ Vilniaus statybininkų rengimo centras (Vilnius Builders Training Centre) is involved in the establishment of sectoral practical training centre for construction industry. The main objective is to assure that the learners, using the latest technologies and equipment, gain practical skills matching the needs of the labour market. Therefore, the existing training programs for initial and continuing vocational education and training are being modified and improved and the new programs will be introduced soon, e.g. instaler of engineering networks, construction electrician, plumber, etc. The sectoral practical training centre will be equipped with the up-to-date tools amd macinery, ICT, simulation devices for practical training, etc. These new developments require upgrading of professional qualifications of the managers, trainers and staff members who are responsible for the establishment and improvement of the practical training facilities.
The working group was set up in the Centre, responsible for development and implementation of new training programs. The members of the working group analysed current and required technological and didactic competences of the trainers, and defined which of the missing competences could be obtained in Lithuania, and which knowledge and skills could be better acquired abroad.
During a training placement the participants of the project (12 trainers and 30 students) will have a possibility to improve their competences and acquire the new ones in the above mentioned fields. Special attention will be paid to the development of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship skills in VET.
Training placements of students and trainers are planned in VET institutions of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Italy and Norway. The trainers will have a chance to acquire the qualifications and competences in the following areas: general construction, production of articles of small architecture, installation of electric systems in buildings, installation of heat pumps, use of ICT, stands and simulation devices in practical training workshops and laboratories, will learn how the training is organized, i.e. training programs and methodology. The students will not only improve their basic VET competences, but will also develop skills demanded by the today’s labour market: career planning, information processing, ICT, foreign language learning, etc. They will also familiarize with quality assurance system of providing services.
All the trainers’ acquired skills and competencies will be used while delivering initial and continuing training programmes in the sectoral practical training centre for construction industry. The project participants will prepare guidelines for development of employment-oriented skills in VET.
The students will present the acquired experiences and information for the school community and for the students from other Lithuanian VET schools. They will be requested to complete a self-assessment questionnaire developed by the project working group in order to see if their expectations regarding the training placements were fulfilled.