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Starting Up Young Social Entrepreneurship
Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ContextThe effects of the social and economic crisis on employability, especially among young people, has been devastating. The labor market tends increasingly to hire fewer and fewer wage-earning people. Social start-ups is an innovative way to combine economic growth and inclusion of disfavoured people, promoting social values and new jobs. They are lead by social entrepreneurs: they generate social value (watching for the rights and interests of the most vulnerable people; responding to ecological crisis; eradicating discrimination against certain social groups, hunger, etc). These approaches promote sustainable solutions at short and long-term. According to the European Commission, social start-ups now account for 10% of all Europe new business creation.ObjectivesTo strengthen the entrepreneurial spirit; to offer training and guidance to increase the sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; to lower the unemployment rate among young people; to create enterprises with social and environmental aims.Target80 young people at social risk, from ES,BG, IT and UK, with difficulties to become part of the [social] market, such as NEETS and low educational level.They will acquire social entrepreneurs competences as well as soft skills in order to create their own jobs and this way lower the unemployment rate among youth.Previous methodologyPoint of departure is an innovative methodology addressed to this target and contents. It is divided into 3 phases and activities: 1. Module setting.Previous currículum based in the following subjects Social innovation; Social business plan; Fundraising; Communication and dissemination; Local and transnational networks; and Legal, economic and tax fields. Each one is a module with theoretical and practical contents in different formats, and good practices as well as exercises.2. Participative work & Guidance. Have participants get to know each other in a physical place to exchange opinions, thoughts and ideas. A team of Counselors will provide them with guidance into the 3rd phase of the project.3. Deep working immersion-apprenticeship. Learning from social entrepreneurs working on a consolidated social start-up as a good practice.Mehodology to de developedWe will work on the co-developed methodology during 7 months; 12 months to co-develop and create the module content; 8 months to adapt the online social platform and upload the materials; 2 month to create the webpage (work in progress); 11 months for the Mooc course;5 days for the Training for trainers; 6 months for the certificates; 3 weeks for each module, 4 days for the Participative work & Guidance, 1 month for the apprenticeship. Some of these activities assigned to create the training overlap one another (not the 3 stages of the execution of the Pilot training); 11 months for the Training guide; and 4 months to organize each one of the conferences, including the final one in Barcleona.Results and OutputsA Co-developed methodology among all partners; a project webpage; an online social platform with all the online courses. A mooc course.A European Social Entrepreneurship Certificate for each one of the participants; a Training guide. The latter will explain the methodology used, with its pertinent phases, some good practices and experience-based articles from the participants, illustrating this way the impact that the training has had on their life, specialy professional life, or their projection of it.Expected ImpactThe youth to whom we address the project will come out of the training knowing how to start up a social start-up. It can have effects not only in the local economic growth, but also in their communities and in their own vision of the world.On the other hand, we think that these young participants can be multiplier subjects of the project impact right from the moment when they tell others about the project or also by giving example with their own actions.This way, in the mid and long term these young participants from the different countries start up socially, contributing to a more socially aware society tackling with poverty, environment among others and with a lower unemployment tax.The community social wellbeing as well as wellfare will increase by the type of services offered by this enterprises.

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