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START: Study, Teach And Reform Teaching
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Concerning the needs of our school and its development plan it is very important to implement innovations in educational system and to employ professionals in the field of teaching English language with the expertise of teaching or studying in an English speaking country. The project called “Study, Teach and Reform Teaching” will let 5 teachers of our school explore the importance of their continual training, personal and professional development by giving them an opportunity to attend Pilgrims teacher training courses in Canterbury, The United Kingdom. Four of them have never been to English speaking country before and they teach according to the pedagogical and language competences acquired during the university studies. All of them chose the following topics of teacher training courses according to their needs and interests: building positive group dynamics, creative methodology for the language classroom, methodology and English language for secondary teachers, English language improvement and leadership skills for teachers. Therefore, the major achievement that we aim at with our project is to improve pedagogical and language skills of our teachers, to develop also their management competences and to reinforce cooperation with partners from other countries. The project results will be also implemented directly into a school curriculum by using new lesson plans which will be available for the whole pedagogical staff in a school library. Publications in the form of leaflets presenting the project and describing its results will be spread to other secondary schools, educational organisations, school partners and school libraries. Conferences and workshops will be realised after teachers´ mobilities by a project team to inform other teachers at our school and teachers from other schools in the area of Žilina in order to share gained knowledge and experience.
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1 Partners Participants