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Starfsþróun og menntun kennara í Brekkuskóla
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In Iceland the importance of good language skills is obvious. We can not use our mothertounge abroad. In Brekkuskóla we want to prepare students as well as we can for their future. We expect that many of them will live and work in other countries than Iceland. Therefore we need to offer our students a systematic and interesting language learning that makes them capable to communicate in Danish and English. Our experience of individualized teaching is good and we want to promote that teaching technic further. We want our students to learn to set goals and use structured methods to gain it and become more responsible for their own learning. Hopefully it will help them to see themselves as perpetrators rather than victims and more of them will achieve good academic achievement which reduces the dropout rate from schools. We belive in gender equality and seek to find ways to increase the the number of male teachers in our school. Brekkuskoli is fully intergrated. We want our students to achive their best and we want to help them to become happy, honest and strong individuals. To achive these goals Brekkuskoli applies for structured courses in language learning and job shadowing.

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