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Standardisation of Teaching Methods of Less Popular European Languages

The project will develop standardised teaching methods and a standardised curriculum for teaching less popular (or less widely spoken) European languages through intensive, introductory language courses. The language teaching will be aimed at young employees, students and graduate trainees, typically undergoing exchanges to countries where less popular European languages are spoken. Five project partners from five countries will conduct an in-depth analysis of the language training needs of the target groups with regard to the identified European languages. The identified needs will be compared with existing intensive language training programmes and optimal teaching methods will be suggested. Project partners will work towards the development of a standardised language teaching course based upon the findings of their research, upon literature reviews and upon input from individual experts. Course content will be developed at beginner’s level and will be able to be applied flexibly to suit the needs of different user groups. Selected elements of the developed course will be tested on potential users in the partner countries through the hosting of a 1-2 day intensive course, with user feedback informing subsequent course amendment and preparation of the final course curriculum. The final product will be made available in printed form and on CD-Rom in all five partner languages plus EN. The developed language course will be disseminated through language teaching schools and language centres and to companies employing foreign employees, students and graduate trainees for short periods. The websites of the partner institutions will be fully utilised in promoting the end project results, in addition to the production and distribution of promotional printed brochures.

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4 Partners Participants