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Staj Eğitimimiz Avrupa'da
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school which is the consortium leader of Besni Osman İsotlar Vocational and Technical High School is at the secondary school giving vocational education. There is somethin which must be improved in our strategic plan in 2013, is to the placement of graduates in workplaces. Our students had done their internship in Germany in order to minimize that problem and so they had got international experience to repyl the needs of business establishments getting vocational experience. The schools of consortium member are the sava as public vocational schools which needs the same. The students had competed their internship in a vocational school/establishment, the teachers had improved their Professional capabilities by obcerving on the job. They had learned/learnt about new intsructional methods an technigues. This position had an important role to get the targets of our consertium mmebers and helped the school increase the popularity and prefenance. With the help of our Project; The students had completed their internship during the project; - By receiving on-the-job training in a EU member country, - Through different acdemic methods, - By using modern/various machinery/equipment. Through on-the-job observation, we expect that the teacherswill: - Improve their professional knowledge and skills, - Observe vocational instruction methods and techniques, - Improve cooperation with their colleagues. General Objectives of the Project To improve their vocational knowledge and skills, to provide them a competitive edge in the recruitment process, increase their self-confidence, to increase the competitiveness of the school by contributing to the professionalism of the teachers. The issues and needs to be addressed by the project in the fields of “Information Technologies, Electrical, Mechanical and Metal Technologies”, - To address them in different and vocation-based practices - To examine them in the light of vocational training methods and techniques, - To reinforce academics by reteaching in a different setting, - Holding student-oriented practice in the institution in the EU member country. Participants: Participants from consortium member schools: A total of 72 students, 8 each from Information Technologies, Electrical, Mechanical and Metal Technologies fields offered by the school will participate in the project. The students who will receive training in an EU member country are those grade 8 (senior) students who completed their theoretical vocational training in grades 10 and 11 as required by the curriculum, but lack on-the-job training. Teacher Participants: A total of 8 technical teachers, 2 each from Information Technology, Electrical, Mechanical and Metal Technologies fields which comprise the vocational and technical fields worked on that Project the school. Main Activities of the Project: - Internship training of the information technology, electrical, mechanical and metal technologies fields worked at consortium member schools (total of 72 students) for a two-week period in April and May 2016 in Germany at Stiftung Bildung & Handwerk institution, Ausbildungsverbund Teltow e.V. - Bildungszentrum der IHK Potsdam, EURO-CERT European Academy. - Each student gaining experience in basic and advanced skills required in their fields, - On-the-job observation: The 8 teachers about the vocational training of students for a period of five days in May 2016 at Stiftung Bildung & Handwerk institution. - Improving their vocational skills, - Learning about the vocational training and technology-related practices in the EU member country, - Organizing working visits to other relevant institutions. Project Impact Impact on Students - Increasing vocational knowledge and international experience in their fields, - Increasing opportunities to find a job in their respective field, - Increasing adaptational skills for professional life, - Raising multicultural awareness, - Improving self-confidence and self-esteem, - Permanent learning of vocational knowledge. Impact on Teachers - Improving professional knowledge and skills in their respective field, - Gaining international experience, developing their vision, - Building professional cooperations between colleagues, - Improving skills of participation in group organizations, - Gaining professional prestige, - Developing awareness towards different cultures - Improving language skills. The activities of students in the EU member states will contribute to work in the local environment. improved professionalism of teachers in vocational training institutions they work has directly contributed.

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