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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Carrel is a private vocational school under contract, specializing in trades sale. Since 2005, through obtaining LEONARDO scholarships, we are proud to offer our students the opportunity to perform their period of training in a European country other than France, in order to promote our strategy international openness. Voluntarily, we select students in twelfth grade, because they are key for most, accountable and therefore more reliable. They need to be valued, to acquire new skills to increase their future employability, to be open to new cultures and improve their language level. We also decided to create a partnership with BOA LINGUA intermediary whose mission screening of internship places, a language school for intensive language course prior to the professional immersion and recruitment of families 'formed home. Regarding our project, we received 20 scholarships used over 12 months. Our students have benefited from mobility 4 weeks, preceded by a week of intensive language course at a school. We validate with BOA LINGUA the assigned missions correspond to those required by their degree tray pro SALE, TRADE, HOME prepared. These have been evaluated on site by the tutor using an evaluation grid adapted to their training and translated into the language of the country. On their return, our students wrote a report on their professional experience, cultural and linguistic presented at a defense under EUROPRO certificate. We want to continue this project for mobility in our institution because our young people need our financial and logistical support to carry out this type of project, our students intending to commercial and relational features, language skills are essential today . We must promote the progress of our students language, subject they often abandon in favor of vocational subjects. This experience gives them great maturity, improved confidence and increasingly encourages them to continue their studies in BTS. Regarding our high school students this possibility contributes to our reputation, and facilitates our recruitment. Finally, the implementation of this project allowed us, among others, to get the Label Lycée des Métiers which we hope renewed. Also, we offer since 2013 a European section of the English language from the "2nde pro". When selecting the successful candidates undertake to make European mobility.
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