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Stage d'observation à Cariñena
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

By our closeness with Spain, the academy of Bordeaux develops partnerships with the Iberian Peninsula. Our establishment would like to participate in this project of international opening which aims at developing European mobilities to be able to establish a first contact with the aim of pupils' matching and participate so in the project of establishment of the college from 2011 till 2015 which aims at opening in Europe and on the international stage. School travels are every year organized but a future matching would sit this European opening. This action would also allow to imply schoolchildren in the Spanish learning and to favor their validation of the skills of the Common Base for the obtaining of a level A2 in Living language in the DNB. The cultural opening, the improvement of language skills, the possibility of weaving multidisciplinary links motivate the project of partnership with a Spanish college. IES Joaquin Costa de Cariñena in Aragón makes a commitment in this project following the personal contact of a teacher who emitted the need to develop its language skills, to satisfy her educational curiosity and to work it transversalité with her colleagues to enrich her educational practices. Both head teachers will agree on the activities proposed to the participating teacher during this internship of observation of 2 weeks. The communications will be made essentially by e-mail. In her return, the teacher will share her observations with her colleagues. This internship can be a first afin contact, longer-term, to perpetuate this company with a virtual exchange (by eTwinning) and physical exchange of pupils.
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