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stage d'immersion en Espagne avec cours structurés pour enseignant d'espagnol du secondaire
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

to follow the recommendations of the European CECRL teach languages, we have decided to send one of our Spanish teacher participate in a total immersion course of a week in Spain thanks to the body LFEE Europe. This is a training organization of highly qualified foreign language teachers. Ms. Gouga, Spanish IPR of the Auvergne academy sent us the coordinates of the body. This organization will enable the teacher to develop its knowledge and know-how by putting in teaching relationship, pedagogy and CEFR. This will result in a more massive inclusion of all students that will actually involved in learning and not mere spectators, as they have been by the past. Students will have the chance, through trained staff to be able to fully invest in their education and thus succeed. Today we train the citizens of tomorrow, and they will of European citizens, open to the world! This course will allow our teacher to update his knowledge of contemporary Hispanic culture, and address issues related to the social, political and economic pays.Cela allow it to consolidate its level of proficiency in Spanish emphasis on oral practice, strengthen practicing teamwork, selection and didactization teaching materials, varied and authentic, adapted to the teaching of Spanish. The main objectives: • Improve skills and language performance in Spanish at all levels • Leaving the existing experience of training participants to deepen their methodological expertise of the teaching and learning Spanish at teenagers • Provide participants with materials and ideas appropriate to the teaching of Spanish in the classroom • Using new technology, songs, media and contemporary Spanish literature in the language classroom. • Discuss current events and (re) discover the personalities that make Spain today • Share your experience with other teachers and share good classroom practice ideas Offer participants the opportunity to visit a secondary school, interact with members of the teaching staff and exchange of good classroom practice Analyze examples of successful partnerships between schools and examples of innovative educational projects illustrating collaborative practices of teaching / learning languages Discover new interactive ICT resources to facilitate communication and creativity in language learning

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