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Staff for learning companions and process facilitation in SME

In the lands Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria a national partner's team which answers together for the question of the adaptation of the education of trial companions in the SME practise was formed in each case. The teams existed in each case of a chamber of trade or Chamber of Industry and Commerce as well as a SME. The chambers took over the feature of the multiplier which trains necessary trial companions in the companies. The companies took over the conformist training measures and checked their effectiveness. At the same time they examined which possibilities there are for jobs newly to be furnished of trial companions in the company.With the help of analysis instruments newly developing in the project possibilities and demand were registered with SME. Then the chamber received from the GALA DRESS e. V. a training for the found choice. Then she coached staff in the select SME for the conformist assignments of a trial companion. With the conversion the partners received direct company or Coaching.The experiences flowed in onto modules for the adaptation of the reference manuals and were traded with the other partners.Purpose is to announce the concept of the trial companion in the involved lands, to stimulate especially small companies to his use and to transfer supplier of continuing education and trainings into the position, to realize the necessary supplies at the market. In Germany a big, all over the country active educational service company will use the experiences for own supply for learning companions and trial companions.

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8 Partners Participants