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Srovnání a inovace oboru Technik puškař na mezinárodní úrovni
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Comparison and inovation of study branch Technician Gunsmith on international level" is based on cooperation of both institutions. The main plans of institutions is increase of practical skills and their qualification of presented study branch Technician Gunsmith. Four scholarships are prepared for forty students and 8 accompanying persons. The participants will be students of Technician Gunsmith. The accompanying persons will support students in their work (they will support students in language and practical skills) and they will also deal with unexpected situation. They also will control the program of the scholarship and make some notes about the course. The students will be chosen according to selected criteria. The students will be informed about the program, organization and the will sign all necessary agreement. They will participate of language preparation (technical language, practice of English) and practical preparation. They will also be informed about the safety at work. The main ideas of the project are: 1) improve of practical training of Technician Gunsmith according to international cooperation; 2) development of practical training and education; 3) the possibility of approach to new method, techniques and technologies used for guns production; 4) application of innovative method from Austria into our study plan. The students have to produce a gun stock and a trigger system. The students will improve their practical skills. They will be evaluated according to the European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (EVCET) and Europass Mobility. The students could use these certificates when they will apply for a job. Our school will use them as evaluate material. They could also improve they knowledge when they visit traditional gunsmith company. The project will be operated according to previously experiences. The headmasters will support the coordinators and all teachers whose will be participants of the project. The school will apply new technique of production of gun stock and trigger guard in practical training. Our students will be more qualified for Czech zbrojovka, a.s. They could represent our school on international field because the students will present their work at international workshops and shows as IWA Norimberk. Final, this project should motivate the students in their study of present study branch.
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