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Spreading the Word about Creativity in Education
Start date: Jan 1, 2014,

The project comes from the analysis and envisaged need of coping with key points that education system faces:1 Existing gap among different stages of educational path (Comenius+Leonardo+Erasmus) for the promotion of creativity, to be embedded from early age so that students can face properly university and world of work2 Lack of structured support to teachers in relation to creative and enterprising skills in education3 Overload of information: teachers need more room for expressing the knowledge they already have and some free space for being effectively creative4 Urgent requirement of students to be prepared, since school, for entering the world of work, where creativity and spirit of initiative are more and more neededAlso, due to the transition of the 2 EU programming period, we aim at capitalizing results, starting from previous EU-wide experiences to be exploited and enhanced (CityM+ECECC projects)AIMSEU community of creative and enterprising teachers, by:1 Sharing at EU level their experiences, allowing them to express their own knowledge and competences, through a “maieutical” process (eg using drama techniques, storytelling methods, lessons held from students, etc)2 Involving key representatives of previous EU experiences (CityM best practices) as well as world of work and decision makers, bringing their experience for embedding a productive dialogue in relation to topics of creativity and entrepreneurshipOUTPUTS1 Itinerant seminars where EU teachers can meld mutual experiences. Key note speakers from relevant project of City-M inventory will ensure the spread and capitalization of results of 2007-13 period2 Training ToolKIT, including best practices, guidelines and a tutorial tool, offering teachers a background for their creative educational pedagogiesIMPACT1 Embed enterprising and creative skills in the curriculum2 Productive dialogue among teachers at EU level, with the world of work, leading to a better employability of young generations
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  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\DISSEMINATION AND EXPLOITATION OF RESULTS, AND EXCHANGE OF GOOD PRACTICE (KEY ACTIVITY 4)\Multilateral projects
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

4 Partners Participants