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Spreading Community Life Model: Good practices Exchange in the field of Community Life and Housing for Social Excluded People
Start date: Sep 26, 2016, End date: Sep 25, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project deals with the desire to exchange good practices in the field of Community Life and Housing of people at risk of social exclusion. All partners are example of what we mean when we talk about "Community Life". The goal of this project is, throughout the exchange of good practices, to spread "community life" models, improving all aspects that can be enhanced in regard to: Community building, Education, Training and Employability, Eco-Sustainability, Housing giving to professionals dealing with all related issues new and strong competences in order to rise their capacity in managing Community sustainable models and help people at risk of social exclusion in getting a higher social welfare level. During the first year of the project we will elaborate and than adopt methods and improve existing good practices and programmes which are effective in reaching community aims for social excluded people in the 4 key areas selected during the phase of project design ( Community building, Education, Training and Employability, Eco-Sustainability, Housing). After the analysis of study cases, at the beginning of the second year of project, technical expert of the project who participate in Study Visits will elaborate a Tool Box, containing transferable good practices selected during study visits. This will help in the creation of a public web platform to be considered as an important tool for all those professional working in this field. We'd want this Platform to be an open space for all European Communities working with social excluded people in order to add their projects and good practices in the web and help professionals all around Europe to get a deep vision on key effective activities in community work.During the second year we will organize 2 courses: one about Community Innovative management, community self end eco-sustainability; and another on transferable methodologies on Empowerment - adult education in literacy, ICT basic skills, employability...). During the 6 last months of the project, the activity will be based on strong dissemination and organization at local/regional/national level of stakeholders roundtable about project aims and about spreading of Community new models learned. During this year the partner also will work on the web-site and Web Platform creating a community map of their country focusing on at least 10 community for social excluded people. This second year of project, the aim is to demonstrate the added value and evidence of transnationally explored bottom up activities and to facilitate the streamlining of the lessons learned from these methods and initiatives to European and national private and public bodies for a better governance about Community Life for Social Excluded persons in order to better the deal between public services and third sector.
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5 Partners Participants