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Start date: Jun 15, 2015, End date: Jun 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"SPREAD!" is long-term (24 m.) project between two countries Estonia and Latvia, and two organisations NGO VitaTiim and Young Folks LV. The main aim of this transnational youth initiative project "SPREAD!" is to promote participation, empowerment and the active citizenship amongst Russian-speaking young people in Estonia and Latvia through enabling them to implement international youth projects. More specific goals of the project are: - to create conditions for development of young people's competences, especially key competences, through increased participation in Erasmus+: Youth in Action projects on the highest level of youngsters' capability;- to improve quality of youth work aimed at Russian-speaking population in Estonia and Latvia. To achieve these goals we plan the following objectives:- to produce a long-term project writing and management training course in cooperation with and for young people in Estonia and Latvia;- to form a group of young peer leaders and mentors who have competence to support youngsters in international projects;- to create Online-platform that offers young people the flexibility of participating in project writing and management course from anywhere and at any time over the Internet;- to develop 275 youngsters' competence in project writing and management by involving them into project activities; - to support young people to submit at least 25 project applications to National Agencies; - to make a guidebook for youth workers and leaders on how to organize project writing and management training course together with and for young people in local community. Target groups of the project: - Young peer leaders and core group of the project (10 youngsters from Estonia, 10 youngsters from Latvia);- Russian-speaking young people from Estonia and Latvia aged 13-30 who participate in project writing and management training courses both offline and online (c. 325 youngsters);- Youth leaders and youth workers who are potential multipliers of both offline and online training courses.We expect to achieve the following results during the project and on its completion:- a programme of long-term project writing and management course that encourages and enables groups of young people to develop and implement their own international youth exchanges;- a guidebook for youth workers and leaders on how to organize project writing and management training course together with and for young people in local community;- an Online-platform that offers young people the flexibility of participating in project writing and management course from anywhere and at any time over the Internet;- a group of 20 youth peer-leaders and mentors with motivation and capability to support and consult youth groups during all project phases, including project idea development, application writing, preparation, implementation, evaluation, analyze of the project and report writing;- at least 275 Russian-speaking youngsters from Narva and Riga have developed their key competences, including project writing and management competence, while participating in the training courses;- at least 25 project application forms, prepared by youngsters, were submitted to relevant National Agencies during project period;- working with Russian-speaking youngsters youth leaders, workers and organizations in Estonia and Latvia are aware of created tools (guidebook and Online-platform) and at least two of them have applied guidebook and/or Online-platform in practice with young people from local community;- international youth work and cooperation amongst Russian-speaking population is developed due to implemented international projects, empowered young people and youth workers and increased intercultural dialogue and learning;- Russian-speaking adults who have influence on young people, e.g. parents, teachers, hobby-teachers and youth workers, believe in availability of Erasmus+: Youth in Action programme opportunities and in youngsters' capability to implement their own international projects;- enhanced digital integration and competence in youth work through developing and applying an Online-platform for training course.We plan to produce two intellectual outputs during this transnational youth initiative "SPREAD!": 1) Guidebook for youth workers and leaders on how to organize project writing and management training course together with and for young people in local community. 2) Online-platform for project writing and management training course that offers young people the flexibility of participating in the course from anywhere and at any time over the Internet.
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