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Sprachaufenthalt England
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are a medium-sized enterprise that supplies the automotive industry all over the world. Currently, we employ 600 people, including 40 trainees. In our offices it is necessary to be able to speak English. We have to prepare our trainees perfectly for the business life – therefore we would like to give three trainees the chance, to take part in a stay abroad to prepare for their later worklife at hago. We would like to give this chance to Jessica Scarpa, second year trainee, Timo Kohler and Sandra Zoller, first year trainees, to go to England. All three have advanced college qualifications and have currently 2 lessons of English per week. The trainees will take in an one-week English course and two-weeks internship in an English enterprise. These stays abroad will take place from 13.07.14 - 02.08.14 in Plymouth. It is very important for us to have motivated junior employees, that are able to speak English well after finishing their training. They should not be afraid of speaking English on a daily basis. Many automotive coperations have their production facilities in foreign countries. So, most of their data sheets are in English. Also meetings or phone calls are held in English. In order to prepare our future workforce for these challenges a stay abroad is essential. Generally, we would like to fully integrate a stay abroad into our trainings in the future. We have currently contact to the IHK Hochrhein-Bodensee and the organisation Tellus Group. These organisations have already organised three internships in an English enterprise from 13.07. – 02.08.14 in Plymouth. They also organise the airport transfer as well as the one-week English course. Our trainees should also learn about the English culture – we therefore booked a cultural programme at Tellus Group. During the preparation phase, our trainees receive a presentation assignment to familiarise themeselves with the town Plymouth and the English economy. For the stay abroad, they get several assignments and questions, which they have to answer and return within one week after their return to Germany. During their stay abroad they will permanently in touch with Anja Gutknecht via email or phone. Immediately upon their return, they will individually talk to their trainer Anja Gutknecht and after that there will be a group discussion with all participants. After that, the trainees will work in departments where they can use their English skills, for examplelogistics or disposition. In doing so, we can monitor if the stay abroad has the desired effect.
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