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Språk , utvikling, kommunikasjon og kultur
Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Mar 1, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Hersleb Upper Secondary School is situated in the centre of Oslo in a newly restored building dating from 1922. Our courses are GCSE A-level courses and vocational training programs. The school has 600 pupils and 60 teachers.The school has signed a formal cooperation agreement with the University of Oslo, focusing on biology and geosciences. Hersleb Upper Secondary school also has a cooperation agreement with the state hospital of Oslo. Learning methods will be practical with extensive activity outside the classroom.The teaching methods will be practical tuition with out-of-classroom activities. Increased activity within the field "Internationalization" is an aim in our strategic plans. International contact between countries will give the participants new knowledge of other countries schoolsystems and culture. Knowing another language breaks barrieres and make it easier to build good relationships and improved communication. They will learn to respect other countries' school systems and become aware of strengths within their own education. Meetings between participants in the project will create new networks where management, teachers and pupils gain new insights and professional expertise.An important aim for the school is to create new ways of learning both inside and outside the school. Hersleb wants to motivate employees to get new competance by travelling abroad and take language courses and meet colleagues in foreign countries. The name of the project is Language, development, communication and culture.Hersleb (Sofienberg/Sogn) has for several years had good experience with exchange programs with Finland (Nord-Plus) and Germany (Gjør det!). Teachers from Sogn/Kuben has participated in the Leonardo Mobility "Vocational Training in Europe". The participants in these projects have provided the school with competence and social outcomes, and created friendships and fellow community that is still ensured. The network develops and strenghtens because of meetings and contact through this projects.The school management by the Head, has primary responsibility for the project application. Contact person is the department manager. She has had responsibility for internationalization for several years and has participated in several courses organized by SIU. The Head and other members of the management have visited the projects. This network secures predictable projects of high quality.Four persons will participate in school activities at a secondary school in Potsdam and at a secondary school in Berlin. Both schools are a part of our excisting network and have been partners in earlier projects.Two persons will learn German language at Goethe institute in Berlin. Four persons will join courses in Spanish language in Alicante. The total number of participants of these projects are ten persons.Hersleb Secondary School will use the experiences gained from the projects in the marketing of the school, on the homepage and social media. Acquired knowledge will be spread to our partners and to other Oslo schools in relevant forums. Our participants will be responsible for spreading their experiences and knowledge.The school's future plans are to develop international projects in General Studies especially in language, history, natural sciences and biology. The goal is to create new networks for teachers, pupils, school management and business associations.
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3 Partners Participants