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Sports Based Capacity Building in a Euro-African Context
Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed project is implemented by four NGOs from Germany, South Africa, Zambia and Ghana that are committed to empower disadvantaged youth through sports and physical activitiesThe two-year project will provide unprecedented opportunities for truly mutual sharing of good practice and collaborative non-formal learning of youth, youth workers and organisations involved.Overall objective is to provide and share tested and successful sport based concepts in order to enhance capability and impact of youth work for dealing with young adolescents and supporting them in establishing sustainable perspectives for their sane personal and professional development.Specific objectives are:- To exchange and share good practice for non-formal education assisting disadvantaged youth in the acquisition of key competencies - To improve active participation, social inclusion and equal opportunities of the target group by enhancing their communication, social and civic competencies - To show good-practice models on how to impart key competencies relevant for the employability of the target group - To increase participation of marginalised/disadvantaged youth in lifelong learning by providing attractive programmes that meet their specific social, emotional, cultural and intellectual needs - To stimulate a spirit of initiative, fairness, collective thing and fair play within the target group contributing to non-violence, solidarity and mutual respect - To improve the professional level of trainers/educators working with the target group through transnational encounters and professional exchanges with colleagues from partner countries - To improve quality and impact of education programmes with disadvantaged participants through transnational cooperation and future joint actionsTo achieve these objectives the project focuses on strengthening the youth workers capability and skills in dealing with disadvantaged youth.During 4 so called “Training Camps” the partners share and exchange their specific approaches and concepts for the target group, including their own methodology and didactics. The TCs will be hosted each time by another partner in order to provide authentic insights into the daily work of the partner allowing to fully understand its methodology and didactics. The following targets were set by the consortium: - 4 training camps in 2 years- 24 young leaders from 4 countries who participate in the workshops together with 8 social workers from the four organisations- Organisation of 4 sport events during the training camps for the participants. Each sport event is planned and prepared by the local team of young leaders and social workers. - Organisation of activities led by young leaders for 1000 youth from the scope of the organisation during the project period- Handbook on concepts and methods of each organisation- Creation of an online project platform for communication and dissemination of results and products
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