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Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Sport is a human activity based on social, educational and cultural values. It 's a crucial factor for integration, social participation, tolerance, for accepting the differences and respecting the rules.As outlined by the Council of the European Union, “sport is both a source and a driving force of social inclusion” and it is recognized as an excellent means of integration of minorities and groups at risk of social exclusion .In a territory in constant progress and transformation, such as the Cilento , sporting movements must have a leading role not only in the capability to express those moral and ethical values sustaining all sport activity, but also in the commitment to concepts of sustainability and responsibility in sports.The project here in proposed aims at promoting and undertaking preventive actions towards social unrest, by sustaining a closer relationship.Specifically, the project's objectives aim at :• Sensitizing and involving sports associations, in order to get them directly involved in initiatives and collaborations with organizations committed to the integration of persons with disabilities;• Giving attention to integration and promoting sport training events which might especially support the involvement of young foreigners;• Getting involved in educational processes which intend to fight back the alarming growth of rudeness, arrogance and bullying, promote respectful and non-violent attitudes and encourage socially responsible behavior in sports.
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