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Sport as a way of life
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project associates 72 people from 6 different countries: Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Italy. Sport is the main theme of the exchange. We want to show people, not only those young ones, that sport is an extremely important component in everyday life. We live in the times of constant rush and often forget about active lifestyle, which is a mistake. We want to encourage young people to lead active lifestyle and to rich that aim we will use informal methods of work. They will allow for unconscious implementation of good practices and strengthen the chance for using those practices in the future. We want to engage young people with lower chance into our actions. Such people often do not have the opportunity to engage in various actions due to the area they live in or their hard financial situation. By involving them in active participation we want to overcome the problem of social marginalization and promote equality of chances. During the exchanges we will organize national evening where each country will have the opportunity to present their culture, customs and traditions. Not only will it serve broadening people’ knowledge about other cultures but also about participants’ own culture. Thanks to intercultural activities young people will develop the attitudes of tolerance and respect towards ‘foreign’ nations. Undertaken actions will also help in minimizing the very often mistaken stereotypes concerning other cultures and nations.

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