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Spoločná Európa
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Gymnasium of Ľudovít Štúr has always been one of the three best gymnasiums in Trenčín region. It offers classical 4-year form and, based on the intergovernmental agreement between Slovakia and France, also a bilingual Slovak-French 5-year form. It is our priority to offer our students a good education and to prepare them for studies at universities both in Slovakia and abroad. We engage our students in projects, competitions and science Olympiads, where they achieve great results both at the Slovak nationwide level and international level ( They can choose from following languages: English, French, German, Spanish and Russian. We organize exchange stays in the partner schools in France, Netherlands, Germany, Hungary and Russia. We serve as an examination centre for international French language exams DELF. We support our teachers in continuing education and studies, because we realize that a good, expertly prepared and motivated teacher can prepare students who will be able to compete in the market. Goals of the project Multilingualism is one of the core demands of the EU, and it is thus one of our goals to support the language education. Good education can help young people immensely, because it provides them with skills required to succeed in the job market. Conversely, a lack of language skills is one of the main barriers preventing young people from participation in active life in Europe. Our main goal is to prepare expertly and linguistically skilled students. In order to do so, we need linguistically skilled teachers with expert training. Our goal is to raise the present standard of the quality of the study in our school by offering: - superior study of natural sciences; - superior study of languages; - Europe-open studies, realized in cooperation with our partner schools; - wide range of different projects. Profiles of the participants and plan of activities During one year we would like to send 10 out of the overall 29 teachers on language stays abroad. Our colleague, who has started teaching biology in bilingual section, would go on a month-long stay to France. Other colleagues would go on following language stays: - two in France; - four in United Kingdom; - two in Germany; - one in Spain. Participants will be drawn by the heads of a subject commissions alongside the school management. Following criteria will be applied: - work attitude, fulfilment of the duties, quality of education; - skill upgrading, participation in continuing education, motivation; - work on the projects, involvement in exchange stays and international activities; - preparation of students for competitions and science Olympiads, Expected results, effects and benefits of the project We expect that by taking part in language stays our teachers will: - improve their key skills, including their language skills; - learn new methods of teaching languages; - broaden their knowledge of the way of life and mentality in a respective country; - get in touch with new people;- motivate students to studies of foreign languages and teach them skills necessary for succeeding in the job market and competitive economy; - contribute to development of the digital skills and multilingualism; - provide information with regard to study, language or work stays abroad; - assist in filling out the forms, writing motivation letters or CVs in foreign language - provide information with regard to life and manners in a respective country; - stimulate active participation of young people in politics of European Union; - lead young people to active citizenship, social thinking and solidarity; - teach abroad. Long-term benefits We want: - in cooperation with Methodology and Pedagogy Centre, to provide trainings, continuing education and conversation courses for foreign-language teachers and raise the profile of our school even more; - in cooperation with a culture section, to organize French theatre performances for general public, to organize various activities directed at raising the intercultural consciousness (library readings, pétanque competitions, etc.); - to expand partner relationships with our partner schools to the city level, as we have already managed to do in case of Trenčín and Cran-Gevrier (FR). This partnership is realized by cultural activities – e.g. film festival, whereby our school, teachers and students actively participate in its organization; - to make the studies in our school even more attractive through teacher exchange stays organized in cooperation our partner schools. The teachers will gain career development; the students will gain better understanding of other nations; - to realize student exchange stays with our partner schools. We can offer the education in multiple languages by good teachers, as well as cultural diversity. We believe that the success of our students in practice, their ability to compete and to succeed in the job market, wil raise even more in the context the whole of Europe.

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