European Projects
SPIELend zum Erfolg - PLAYful to success
SPIELend zum Erfolg - PLAYful to success
Start date: Aug 8, 2015,
End date: Jul 7, 2016
Many young people, especially in our partner countries Spain and Tunisia, are confronted with social and financial insecurity, caused amongst others by the high rate of youth unemployment. Taken as a whole, today´s youth is confronted with a constantly changing job market and employment opportunities. Therewith the needed skills, competences and qualifications are also constantly changing. To keep up with these changes, people need to be flexible in their abilities, understand that learning is a lifelong process and be (professionally) mobile.
To achieve these goals, a stable fundament of certain key competences is crucial. But the opportunities for a good education and a successful career are unequal. Especially the lack of self esteem and insecurity, when young people for instance fail in school, is part of a vicious circle that leads to unemployment, worse living conditions and social exclusion. In contrast to this scenario, stands the idea of the European Union, as a community of different nations, where people live peacefully together while being active and (economically) productive citizens.
The project with the title: "SPIELend zum Erfolg - PLAYful to success" was an opportunity for altogether 33 disadvantaged and/or social underprivileged children from Tunisia, Spain and Germany, to live the idea of unity by meeting teenagers of their own age from different countries and cultures. The group of 13-17 year old teenagers met for one week from august 08th until august 15th 2015, in the youth educational centre "Rothleimmühle" in Nordhausen, Germany.
The title "SPIELend zum Erfolg - PLAYful to success" described the main aim of the project "success" and the manner we implemented this aim, by "playing" games. According to our special target group of underprivileged and challenged teenagers, we chose to implement the project idea in an active and joyful manner. The special way of learning in this project was the common play respectively jointly games. Learning through experience was our projects key concept, which meant that all the methods activated the participants.
The title indicated two meanings of the word playing. On one hand it means, that the participants learned and enlarged their repertoire of skills such as teamwork, while playing games and exploring interactive methods. On the other hand it means, that the participants achieved these learning objectives in comparison to formal education "easily" and with joy. Thus increasing the pleasure of learning is another objective of this project.
Therefore each national group prepared workshops and exercises for all the other participants before the project started. The learning objective of each workshop are certain key competences, that are measurable also according to the Youthpass Certificate. By making the skills and competences of the participants come alive and visible, we sought to empower them in what they are capable of.
To document all these achievements, we jointly created a "game collection guidebook", that includes all the workshop methods and games. This guide will be used after the project to inspire and encourage other youngsters in the respective home countries and the partner organizations of the project.
Additionally thanks to the different cultural backgrounds of the participants, they explored and applied their (social) skills also in an intercultural context. This led to a closer examination of their own attitudes and behaviors, while dealing with different approaches and social rules, which perspectively facilitates work in an intercultural environment at home or abroad.