European Projects
Spice Up Classroom Management through Formal or No..
Spice Up Classroom Management through Formal or Nonformal Education
Start date: Sep 1, 2014,
End date: Aug 31, 2015
In a changing society, the educational factors involved in the formation of a child as a human being, diversified with elements of informal and non-formal education, teachers must be prepared to cope with change in an efficient manner that does not affect health. Schools and university that teachers graduated 15-20 years ago, did not form teachers skills to help them face the challenges of the Romanian school now.
General objective: improving, completing the professional profile of teachers with new skills and abilities in the area of classroom management and non-formal education used to create an attractive learning environment for students with absenteeism with the risk of early school leaving and poor performance in learning.
Specific objectives :
- To develop problem-solving skills and conflict management , long-term solutions when rules are violated by conducting mediation activities and the use of effective intervention strategies ;
-To improve their use of specific methods in formal non-formal education in order to increase students' motivation for learning;
- to develop teaching strategies on the application of non-formal education in formal context and creating an atmosphere of non-violence in education for different age groups;
-to use their skills, talents, differences and collective intelligence of our team in the valuation, increasing their confidence in using non-formal methods and effective classroom management;
- To share good practices and transfer of information between different cultural areas (at least three) different ages learning;
- To promote European cooperation in education, in the context of Erasmus + by creating new partnerships;
Number of participants: 7 teachers in preschool, first and secondary
indirect beneficiaries -50 and 100 parents of preschoolers
-24 School teachers 25 teachers from other schools in Neamt County (circle of educators teaching)
- 100 primary and secondary students, 150 parents
-8 Teachers and 17 teachers in the school
-35 Teachers and 60 teachers from other schools in Neamt County (circle of teachers and professors teaching)
Description of activities: Implementation of the project involves conducting training activities of the project team, the mobility training, dissemination, valorisation, monitoring and evaluation of activities. The project proposes two activities during two rounds of mobility:
"CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT - How to deal with (Difficult) Pupils today?" 20 to 24 April 2015
- Three teachers trained in non-formal education and 4 in classroom management;
- E-Twinning project "Intercultural games daily activities";
- Power-Point presentations in courses on automating department and pedagogical circles;
- A guide and a digital game about ways to implement non-formal education;
- A guide for school on conflict management;
- A diary of courses on the school website and facebook social network;
- Two programs for optional activities based on non-formal education activities and personal development;
The impact will be reflected in teaching personal, interpersonal relationships with students and colleagues. The effect of such training can be found later in the methods used throughout the career and influence the entire educational process. Applied to the institution and even the community, it leads to the use of effective methods of working with students problem, to find the proper tools and to introduce changes in the management plan to help the institution to face situations of non-compliance of the regulation, of failure and drop out, because of maladjustment in school life, social issues are often involved these children.
Long-term benefits:
- Increasing no. students and parents involved in the organization and curricular and extracurricular activities in preschool;
- 10% decrease in annual cases of violence between students and students and teachers;
- Developing nonviolent school climate conducive to learning;
- Increased motivation for learning and graduation rate national assessment exam at the end of eighth grade;
-increasing the satisfaction of students, teachers and parents are educated on the environment and learning outcomes;
- Development of the 2014-2015 school year two projects Actions K1 and K2