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Specific Learning Difficulties-Innovative Approaches for Adults
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aimed to improve the skills of the special educators, psychologists, volunteers and management of the New Hope Special and Tutorial school in the field of Specific Learning Difficulties in order to learn new approaches and methodologies that could be applied on the adults served by the organization and are in practice by other European countries. By following with the courses of counseling, training/facilitation skills and management skills they acquired more knowledge and skills. Some of the main objectives of the project were as follow: -Through the new skills the trainers gained, they are able to create motivation, change and learning among the targeted population that might resist the learning possess. The trainers use new approaches, more creative, to stimulate motivation and learning and they are able to identify and work with the negative effects of social discourse (shame, low self-esteem, discrimination, etc.). The potential long term effects is to have a stimulated constant learning among staff and raise their competencies through these courses in order to assist better the adults with Specific Learning Difficulties..
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