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Specializare pe piaţa muncii pentru viitorul tehnician în gastronomie
Start date: Sep 2, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Througs this mobilithy project Certificate qualification for the future gastronomy technician a real opportunity to overpass declamatory targets and goals of communicative vocational teaching from a teoretic dimession into a formativ practical one, dimession wich ensures the education of future technological high-school graduates in a direct connection with the demands labour-market with regards to cuisine and gastronomy field.This qualities will be achived the future graduates by submercing the practical classes in specialised companies from food industry which dispose of all neccessary equapaments for the unholing of their activities in conformity with the European legeslation regarding the food safety. Whit respect to thes goal our project starts from this major point . Apprehension and diversification of specialised education, in direct relation with the competitive labour market from the tourism and food field with a view to in crease the education and formation qualities and a better transition from school to working life. The specific goals of this project are : 1. The developement of students practical skills refering to the knowledge and accomplishment of basic activities with the purpose of optining food and gastronomy products of a high standard quality. 2. Apprehension of basic knowledge and skills regarding food processing and gastronomy principles. 3. Easing up the integration onto the European labour market trough the contact witch a new economical and socio-cultural environment. 4. The developement of a transnational partnership to support the youth mobility and to contribute the enhancement of quality and attractiveness.20 students in the 11th grade,the third level of qualification,the Technological Branch,Service-profile,Gastronomy technician qualification,are involved into this mobility project. The project ensures the moulding of general technical skills and specialiced technical skills provided by the Professional education standards for modules in the Framework Plan OMECI no.3412/2009 4th attachement for Gastronomy Technician qualification. The planned duration of the mobility has been established in agrement with the institution receiving 10 effective day,meaning 60 hour. The main activites to be carried out for the project implementation are: I. Concept developement and project aplication-contact oragnisation and defining partenership (made of:Colegiul Tehnic Dierna Orsova,contact-host organisation Restaurant hotel Corona and providing organisation MEP Europroject Granada,Spain) by signing the Agreement Memorandum,with clear definition of the role of each organisation. II. agreement and intership training. 1. Appointment of the project managent team. 2. Local and regional information campaign about the project and eats opportunity. 3. Contarct preparation with the National Agency and its signing 4. Participants selection 5.Training agreement detaliation with the host-organisations. 6.Oraganisation of participants preparation 7.Travel arrgements preparation III. Intership implementation IV.After intership. Validation and recongnition of learning outcomes by the befeciary oragnisation trough intership,evaluated and validated in accordance with the procedures for quality assoarance and with Romanian legislation,by order 4931/August 2008 Individual report design stage of each participant -final report achivement -dissemination of project results and measures to ensure its sustainability. Working methology whill by based on:establiishing clear roles within the partnership through the "Agreement Memorandum''within the project managemet plan-with the activites and processes description necessary for accomplishing the objectives and achieving the aspected results,preparation of financial and technical documenation.Espectedresults:incease,improvement,deepen knowledge and skills for participants in hygiene fields,work safety environment and internatiuonal cuisine protection-with a rate of about 80%,atested by the results of initial assessement,ongoing final and past-intership evaluation and the Europass certificate and award credit points.By disseminating the formative experience covered by the 20 participants,they can become ''trainers'' in relation to their fellow generation and can add value and professionalism in the work they well perform in the future practical training that well take place in the various specialised units of the region increasing their chances of being employed and becoming active labour market workforce in Romania and Europe.

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