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SPEAK ENGLISH, REACH SUCCESS! An innovative approach to enhance successful European citizenship.
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1) CONTEXTThis project was created after identifying various needs related to English Foreign Language (EFL):a) lack of English knowledge in part of the staff, which prevented them from participating in other European projects;b) interest shown by 12th grade students and students of the Professional Courses in assisting subject specific English classes, related to the specific and technical subjects of their courses due to a growing number of classes lectured in English at Portuguese universities and also because more and more students intend to apply for European mobility projects;c) awareness that the most efficient way of surpressing the identified needs is learning English at a very young age, in a subject specific and continuous way.2) OBJECTIVESThis project has the following specific objectives:a) develop EFL skills in diverse staff members;b) develop CLIL methodology skills in subject teachers and English teachers working with different students of different levels;c) broaden the learning of EFL in students of different levels at our school cluster (from pre-primary to secondary level), especifically what CLIL is concerned;d) promote the development of skills in ICT and European Project Management in staff members directly involved in the implementation of the project and also developing their knowledge of European educational systems with recognized success and good practices in CLIL. 3) NUMBER AND PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTSTo reach all schools of our school cluster successfully, 51 members of the staff will participate in the mobilities, 18,5% of the total number. There are different groups of participants:a) different members of the staff with needs concerning EFL;b) teachers of different subjects and English teachers teaching at different levels to develop skills in CLIL methodology;c) members of staff engaged in the implementation and success of the project to deepen their knowledge in ICT, European Project Mangement and also to observe good practices in successful European school education systems.All participants in the mobilities will be informed beforehand of all implementation and dissemination activities of the project and have to be perfectly motivated to develop this project successfully and continue to implement the good practices after the end of the project.4)DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIESTo reach the intended success following activities will be attended:a) structured courses in EFL;b) structured courses in CLIL methodology;c) structured courses related to TIC, European Projects and European Good Practices;d) Job-Shadowing in countries with recognised experience in CLIL;e) Teaching Assignment in a country with a smaller experience what CLIL is concerned, in order to establish comparisons and disseminate the good practices acquired at a European level.5) METHODOLOGYThe project will be developed at different stages. There will be a training phase, mostly during the 1st year of the project. Throughout the 2nd year of the project, the different participant groups will carry out the preset dissemination activities inside and outside our institution.The seven CLIL teams that will attend the training mobilities will be the same that will develop a cooperative work in the implementation of CLIL. This team work will be carried out by the CLIL teams within the different classes of the participant teachers. So, in each of the three school terms, all our school levels (pre-primary, primary, lower secondary, upper secondary) will benefit from the implementation of one didactic unit (topic) using CLIL methodology. 6) IMPACTThe impact will be felt in short term and long term inside and outside our school cluster.A great number of staff members and students (550) will improve their knowledge in English, triggering their participation in further European projects and thus promoting the increase of European mobilities and the acceptance and inclusion of what is different. 7) FUTURE BENEFITSExperience acquired abroad and the good practices developed in our institution related to English learning and CLIL will be disseminated within the whole school community and at a regional, national and international level, preparing a great number of teachers to implement CLIL after the end of the project. So, in the future a growing number of students will benefit from bilingual teaching. This way we will will be preventing early school leaving and promoting higher education studies. Profiting from bilingual teaching a growing number of students will be prepared to enter a global job market. Consequently, we will have accomplished our aim of creating real European citizens and heighten our intitution to the level of a real European School.
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