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Spatial Planning and Health Systems: enhancing territorial governance in Alpine Space (SPHERA)
Start date: Aug 31, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

An effective territorial governance can positively address an inclusive growth under different dimensions. Those targeted by the SPHERA cluster project are health and spatial planning as areas where interventions such as accessibility to services of general interest, demographic change, social cohesion and quality of life are driver towards the progress of an inclusive growth. The current Alpine Space programming period offers samples of implemented projects which can provide achievements of valuable interest in this thematic field. Learning by those results, in terms of capitalisation, the opportunity is to identify the transnational needs and the appropriate institutional framework where new synergies can be developed in view of the next generation of projects under the Alpine Space Programme 2014 +.The SPHERA project is aimed at exploring and analysing this landscape contributing to orient and influence the future of the Cohesion Policy from its specific domains perspective. Achievements: The methodology and analysis phase focused on desk research aimed at identifying needs and trends in the fields of spatial planning and health systems in the Alpine Space area. This phase also dealt with the selection of those ASP projects which addressed, under different perspectives, these themes. As outputs, two reports have been released with the result of mapping the selected ASP projects and analysing them. The institutional and policy frameworks have been also considered for outlining the relevance of the targeted dimensions at all governance level. The first release of the project web site was developed together with a draft informative brochure.

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  • 76%   375 972,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants