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Spatial Indicators for a "Europe 2020" Territorial Analysis (SIESTA)
Start date: May 31, 2011, End date: Mar 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the Europe 2020 Strategy, launched on 3 March 2010 by the European Commission three key drivers for growth were identified and to be implemented through concrete actions at EU and national levels: •Smart growth – fostering knowledge, innovation, education and digital society •Sustainable growth – making our production more resource efficient while boosting our competitiveness, and •Inclusive growth – raising participation in the labour market, the acquisition of skills and the fight against poverty. Moreover, following the logic of the Territorial Agenda of the EU, orientations for policy makers should refer to the respective territorial development opportunities and the available options to mobilise these for the benefit of the cities, urban agglomerations and surrounding regions in question. In this respect, references to future policy options should take account of European Cohesion Policy orientations, in particular expressed in the Community Strategic Guidelines on Cohesion 2007-2013, the Fourth and Fifth Report on Cohesion, as well as (the debate on the) Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion. Considering this policy context and the close link of this Strategy to territorial cohesion it is important to understand the territorial dimension of these initiatives and targets and Europes diversity. Furthermore, research is needed to identify the different types of challenges for regional development working to the Europe 2020 Strategy. The aim of this project is to provide evidence on the territorial dimension of the EU2020 Strategy by identifying opportunities for different types of regions in relation to the targets and flagship initiatives set out in the Strategy. The results of this ESPON project are intended to be useful for policy makers at various scales in the process of identifying territorial interventions, for example at the scale of regions and local authorities and in the preparation of regional development strategies. The findings of this project furthermore will enable policymakers to have more in-depth monitoring and steering of the implementation of the strategy. A place based approach is fundamental to effective implementation of the Strategy. Please read more about the policy questions and main results envisaged on the next page. Achievements: Reports:Final Report - Executive summary PDF Final Report - Main Report PDF Final Report - Scientific Report PDF Final Report - Annex A Competitiveness and Economic Growth PDF Final Report - Annex B Green economy, climate change and energy PDF Final Report - Annex C Research and Innovation PDF Final Report - Annex D Education PDF Final Report - Annex E Digital Society PDF Final Report - Annex F Employment, skills and jobs PDF Final Report - Annex G Poverty, Exclusion and Ageing PDF Draft Final Report - Main Report PDF Draft Final Report - Executive Summary PDF Draft Final Report - Annex, Scientific Report PDF Draft Final Report - Annex A, Competitiveness and Economic Growth PDF Draft Final Report - Annex B, Green Economy, Climate Change and Energy PDF Draft Final Report - Annex C, Research and Innovation PDF Draft Final Report - Annex D, Education PDF Draft Final Report - Annex E, Digital Society PDF Draft Final Report - Annex F, Employment, Skills and Jobs PDF Inception Report PDF Project Specifications PDF

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  • 90%   360 000,00
  • 2007 - 2013 ESPON
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

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