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Spatial effects of demographic trends and migration (Demography)
Start date: Mar 16, 2003, End date: Jan 3, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Europe is facing major challenges in terms of demographic development. Effects of the demographic changes and ageing of the European population is expected in many spheres of society and is diverse from region to region. Demographic trends approached include natural population trends (births, death, age-structure), migration on large scale and regional/local migration. The latter is of particular interest as peer groups tend to have very different migration patterns. Another observation is that the attitude and migration of cohorts is changing over time. That relates, in particular, to the third age.The demographic trends together with migration and increasing mobility cause severe impacts on the territorial development and the division of labour between regions. These trends might be affected by migratory movements related to the enlargement of the EU. A typology of European regions show diversity of situations concerning demography and migration that the regions of Europe face.

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  • 50%   153 801,41
  • 2000 - 2006 ESPON I
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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