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Spanish Immersion Course
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We are four teachers training in Spanish and methodology to embed the language into our primary school. We aim to support Holy Cross Primary in delivering the new national curriculum and 1 + 2 government strategy in promoting the teaching of modern languages.All the staff in the school have participated in our Cluster 1+2 training (Scottish Government initiative introducing English plus 2 other languages to all primary schools in Scotland). In our cluster our language focus is French and Spanish. Our aim is to immerse our children in these languages on a regular basis as part of our daily teaching. Some members of staff have been on further Spanish training to develop their skills. This is part of their Continuous Professional Development and attending the immersion course would add to that. We previously taught French and Spanish at selected stages but have now introduced Spanish to every class from Nursery to Primary 7 this session.The main objectives for our application are to improve language competencies across the school, this will allow us to meet both our school and cluster priorities, ensuring all children are immersed in Spanish from a young age. We understand the importance and benefits of exposing children to a foreign language on a daily basis as part of their classroom experience. Our project will continue to focus on using classroom vocabulary and basic language to ensure learners have a solid foundation of Spanish. We then aim to progress in using food technology as a platform to introduce a more in depth knowledge of food and Spanish culture. As teachers we hope to develop new teaching resources and enhance our use of ICT through Spanish. We believe the project will equip us with the necessary skills and knowledge to meet these objectives. The immersion course will benefit all pupils and colleagues within our primary school setting. The knowledge and skills gained will be transferred directly to the pupils in our school but also our colleagues during any professional development sessions and staff meetings. The resources that we acquire will be shared in many ways with our colleagues and peers in order to promote the teaching of modern languages within the classroom setting. We will investigate different types of music and online resources whilst on the course to show pupils on return to school. We will participate in cluster school moderation activities and collegiate learning rounds within our school setting, in order to evaluate the learning and teaching and offer constructive feedback. There will be ongoing formative assessment of pupils within the classroom to ensure progression from nursery to Primary 7.We believe that undertaking the Erasmus course will greatly benefit both pupils and teachers. Pupils will gain a better understanding of Spanish culture and vocabulary which we hope to embed in our school ethos. Pupils will be able to draw comparisons between their own culture and the Spanish lifestyle. As a staff we will gain more confidence in teaching Spanish and develop our own understanding of the vocabulary. We believe our confidence and enthusiasm for the subject will be mirrored by our pupils.
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