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"SOY DE TINEO, SOY EUROPEO: desarrollo de la conciencia europea y de las competencias lingüística y digital para la formación de ciudadanos competentes".
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

IES Concejo de Tineo is located in a rural area. Currently, there are 502 students on roll and 70 teachers. We offer Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate Studies in Science and Technology, or Humanities and Social Science; Basic Vocational Studies on Administration Services and also Basic Vocational Training on Agricultural Projects. Furthermore, we have an English bilingual programme for students of Compulsory Secondary Education. Together with the Deputy Headteachers, we have analysed the necessities of our school by taking several different sources into account. This analysis shows the level of difficulty our students have to express themselves fluently not only in a foreign language (English), but in their own ones (Spanish or Asturian), their marks in all the subjects, which show great expression and comprehension difficulties, the lack of ICT knowledge among students, the low level of student promotion, below the standard, and a clear absence of European conscience among our pupils. In most cases, they do not go on to further their education at higher levels, and they just reproduce the family and job roles that surround them. With respect to the staff, we must point out their necessity to improve the organisational and communicative skills. The main objective we intend to fulfill is that our STUDENTS improve their academic and job expectations. The aims we propose to achieve this are: 1. Develop our students’ communicative (especially oral) and digital skills. 2. Develop a European conscience among our students. The rural area they live in, geographically isolated, does not let them get into this conscience. This way, they do not feel the necessity to express themselves correctly in English, nowadays the European lingua franca. We consider absolutely necessary to open a new path of learning for them to get a new job future full of personal enrichment. We, as TEACHERS, establish the following objectives with the same final aims: 1. Acquire new pedagogic and didactic views through 6 periods of observation (job shadowing) in schools in Turkey, Sweden and Poland. The characteristics of these schools help us cover our necessities and stengthen our teaching professional profile. We want to create an exchange of experiences and of methodological innovations to help the development of communication among the schools participating in this project. We don’t really want the schools to be just mere recipients, we want this experience to be a source of enrichment. 2. Improve the teachers’ digital and communicative skills through formation and observational periods. 3. Create a common collaborative project with our European partner schools via the eTwinning platform. Through this eTwinning Project, we consider possible to start a K2 project in the future which will include the mobility of our students. 4. Develop activities to promote oral skills among our students through the use of tools which are currently available on the net. 5. Create our own School Linguistic Project (SLP). This Project will include the consensed regulation about the communicative linguistic uses of all the aspects of the school life (subjects, documents, etc.) with the aim of improving the quality of the education in our school and contribute to our opening to Europe. The teachers taking part in the project have been selected in an equitative way based on their continuity in the school, their compromise and implication in the ellaboration of the SLP, their level of knowledge of a foreign language and their interest on improving their digital and linguistic competence and their own methodology. Besides, they must be involved in the ellaboration of materials for a good practice of the oral part of the language through Web 2.0 tools, and also familiarized with the eTwinning platform in order to develop future projects together. All the members of the staff have committed themselves to spread all the knowledge and experience acquired in the plan proposed by the spreading subcomission at all the levels included in it. As our area is predominantly rural and there is the necessity to develop a European conscience, we consider that the fulfilment of a European project with these characteristics will have such a determinant impact, that it will help improve the academic and job future of our students. All the school community will benefit from the acquisition of new skills and competences of the teachers taking part in the project, which will be extended to the rest of the community. This project contributes to the internacionalization of our school, influencing directly in the council and in all the region, opening the citizens to new levels inside the common idea of Europe. At the same time, it situates our community in the European map due to the contacts already established with our partners and the projects we will develop with them.
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