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South-East European Digital Television (SEE Digi.TV)
Start date: Dec 31, 2010, End date: Apr 29, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Use of ICT technologies and services has a major impact to the sustainable development of the society. SEE Digi.TV will directly speed-up the digitalization of the broadcasting services, and will trace the path for a wider deployment of ICT broadband services. The inclusion of stakeholders, especially broadcasters and industry, is essential and will have positive influence on business development. On a long term, the project will solve issues of digital divide and social inclusion and thus will contribute to the creation of the region of equal opportunities. The overall objective of the SEE Digi.TV is harmonization of the activities in the target SEE region related to the introduction of Digital Broadcasting services, which will: (a) speed-up the overall process of analog switch-off in the region and further developments to more efficient technologies, (b) maximize the harmonization of the legislative and technical frameworks with the EU digitalization process, (c) avoid policy, technology and market fragmentation, (d) develop regional strategy for optimal use of freed frequency spectrum for new ICT broadband services and (e) efficiently manage digital dividend. SEE Digi.TV is based on distribution of television signal and new services to everyone in SEE region no matter of their gender or ethnicity. Furthermore the project will contribute to environmental sustainability as new digital broadcasting technology at both sides, transmitting and receiving side, lowers the power consumption significantly. Achievements: • Analysis of existing legal framework for the digital switchover• Analysis of national analogue/digital switchover strategies• Assessment of the technical framework for digital terrestrial TV broadcasting in SEE• Guidelines for conformance tests• Guidelines for funding the digital switchover• Guidelines for improving the legal framework regulating the digital switchover• Guidelines for regional analogue/digital switchover strategies• Guidelines on using digital dividend• Recommendations for performing conformance test to check compatibility of receivers to digital broadcasting parameters• Regional receiver specification and recommendations in view of digitalized broadcasting• Report on implementation of guidelines to improve the legal framework regulating the digital switchover• SEE strategic roadmap to digitalization • Survey of digital dividend exploitation possibilities• Survey of economic opportunities of analogue/digital switchoverFor more information see:
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  • 85%   966 934,50
  • 2007 - 2013 South East Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

13 Partners Participants