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South Baltic Opera Network (SB Opera)
Start date: Jun 30, 2015, End date: Oct 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The South Baltic Sea region offers a great variety of music theatre performances with each of the providers having a different profile, but also very much in common. So far, the impact of these music performances in the SB region is very much restricted to a regional audience in all places – although music has a lot of potential to act as cross-border door opener, not being bound to language barriers in the performance itself. The project on hand plans to join music theatre institutions from 4 SB countries. Jointly they will contribute to intensifying cross-border cultural tourism by combining music performances in the partner locations with related tourism services. Overall aim is to develop cross-border music theatre offers and to turn it into tourism packages related to cultural music performances and events. This will be achieved by: 1) Joining the involved music and opera houses under one label that promotes the formerly mainly local offers as an international initiative via a cross-border network of relevant tourism institutions, 2) Developing new music theatre offers and performances in cooperation with the overall aim of merging the capacities that exist in the SB region of a new quality of offers in every partner locations and 3) Creation of a joint international music performance to be presented in all involved partner locations in a series of events addressing cultural tourists.Doing so, the project will make a significant contribution to the Programme Priority Axis 2 and particularly to Objective "Increased development of the South Baltic Areas natural and Cultural Heritage Assets into sustainable tourism destination. To ensure a high quality of the results here, the expertise of music theatre and tourism experts from all involved countries will be merged to also consider national specific and find suitable communication modes for maximum recognition and acceptance of the new offers. Expected Results: The planned main project will work on the following 3 overall objectives with the below-mentioned results: 1.) Creation of a joint label of music and opera houses and institutions for a joint promotion of music theatre offers in a cross-border tourism network 2.) Joint development of a cross-border opera and music theatre performance and implementation in different partner locations 3.) Joint development of an international music theatre festival, repeated in annual/biannual intervals. By working on these objectives, the project will reach the following overall results: 1. A joint label South Baltic Opera Route combined with joint communication/marketing structures that address an international audience and a related set of marketing tools in all partner languages;2. Creation of cross-border tourism theater offers for all involved places in the form of all-inclusive package offers as well as new offers in the partner locations that address foreign visiting tourists; 3. Integration of music theatre offers into existing tourism services and offers aiming to increasing the quality and addressing new target groups; 4. Joint production of music theatre pieces and its presentations in all locations, visibly interlinked with each other - establishment of related working structures for regular repetition and development of a related marketing campaign; 5. Jointly developed concept for a regularly repeated annual international music theatre event involving all partner locations, promoted SB region wide;6. Pilot implementation of the music theatre festival; 7. Jointly developed music theatre offers for kids and youth, digitally available and presented in different partner locations. Establ. of a team, capable and willing to continue their cooperation after the end of the project by implementing the international theatre festival and developing more and more music theatre offers of cross-border relevance over the coming decade
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  • 85%   24 650,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South Baltic (PL-SE-DK-LT-DE)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants