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South Baltic Oil Spill Response Systems (SBOil)
Start date: Jun 30, 2015, End date: Oct 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main challenge of the project idea is the increased transport of crude oil through the Baltic. The Russian harbour Primosrk opened in the early 2000s which leads to an increase of almost 200 mill. t to about 400 mill. t of transported oil in the Baltic per year. The SB region is one of the most difficult passages in the world with narrow shipping lanes, heavy traffic and tackling sea state conditions. Additionally, the small spatial extension induces the need to act very fast when it comes to a shipborne oil spill. The existing technologies to tackle oil spills, on the other hand, can often not be executed due to unfavourable weather conditions or because it takes too long to get the material in place. To address these problems two technologies will be adapted and tested in the SB region: In the project Biobind ( an airborne deployment of biogenic oil binders was developed, offering the needed advantages, however, a strong logistical chain and proven cross-border cooperations in the SB region are needed to integrate such a system into existing multilateral contracts and to keep the European level in mind (EMSA duties). The oil binders developed in this project can also be usedship based with basically the same technology. These green technologies lead to a reduction of the effects of water pollution discharges. Also, the idea of a first aid oil spill response kit focuses on joint cross-border studies, strategies and action plans to mitigate water pollution in the South Baltic area through the application of an innovative green technology. In addition, in the project common cross-border standards regarding waste (pollution) and water management will be elaborated and tested in cooperation with a variety of SB stakeholders. As a result of the adaptation and testing of the oil binder technology increased use of these green technologies for fighting the pollution discharges in the Baltic sea is expected. Expected Results: The main objective is to close the technological gap for quick oil spill response by developing technologies, creating a network for fast spill response methods in the SB region and to improve the preparedness to finally raise the ability to fight oil spill fast and sea state independent. The impact of oil spills from tankers and accidental small scale spills (ferries, cargo vessels) will be reduced. With the two new technologies, the cross-border cooperation in the SB will be improved and common tools created and adapted to the region with its structured coastlines, short distances and heavy traffic. Therefore, the networks created in previous projects, i.e. the flagship project Baltic Master II, will be used and complemented. The ship-based adaption of the binder technology will be analysed and the legal background will be evaluated regarding an obligation to have this tool on board in the SB. SMEs will be included in the development of products with global relevance, raising the competitiveness of the SB green economy. In addition to PA2, to which the project mainly contributes, the reduction of the environmental impact (footprint) of shipping (transport services) is an important issue. The cross-border relevance of the technologies/ measures is considerable, because of the shipping routes in national and international waters and the possible drift of oil spill and binders across international borders. Finally, the project will aim at joint local awareness-raising. Municipalities are often unaware to this kind of disaster mitigation, or it seems expensive or unattractive, and thus usually the problem is directly transferred to the Central Commands for Maritime Emergencies. The new technologies, however, may be regionally tied. As a result, the impacts of water pollution are reduced by innovative green technologies. As a side-effect, a raised awareness for the vulnerability of the SB ecosystem regarding oil spills is expected.
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  • 82%   31 950,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South Baltic (PL-SE-DK-LT-DE)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants